
How can the human race survive the next hundred years?

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In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?




  1. The very wealthy may have access to space travel in the case of giant solar flare and survive, but not the majority of us...  :(

  2. The same as it's lasted the last few millions of years. Homo Sapien is notoriously difficult to kill off. Given our adaptable behavior and tool using ability, there's no doubt we'll be around in a hundred years.

    Given certain groups will suffer. Native Americans were Susceptible to European diseases, the Black Death ravaged Europe, AIDs is hurting Africa, and the tidal wave swept through the Indian Ocean. However, the population kept on living and growing

  3. We humans are smart enough to go through those problems. Very simple. We have education, technology, brains and other stuff to counter act against those problems.

  4. Did you get this from googling Yahoo answers?

    Because it's exactly the same question.

  5. People need to stop over polluting, over populating, and using up the world's irreplaceable resources. The people of this world need to forget their ethnic and religious differences and work together to make this world a better place for all of its inhabitants.

  6. Occidental countries and countries under Occidental control is are chaos politically, socially and environmentally. Therefore, powerful groups in power are not smart enough to control the world.

    They took before erroneous decisions and now we are living the chaos you perceive.

    Among those groups are banks, corporations as oil and military industries.

    There are hopes as the answers of  workers organizations which in France and Germany stopped their countries with healthy results in their expectations.

  7. maybe id ask another 500, but 100 is a drop in the bucket.

  8. chill miss hollister,

    humans have the the intelligence to withstand anything we are going to live for a while,

    they thought people were going to die during the black plague but no so move on

  9. Human beings are very smart. Believe me they will find a way to survive. Technology is blooming, new things are being made, new medicines. We will find a way to survive, I don't think anyone nowadays has to worry about the next hundred years because unfortunately we won't be alive.

  10. The only way the human race will not be around for another hundred years is if He decides it.

  11. That is a profound question but it is one that can't be answered by one human being.

  12. My my, aren't we a worry-wart?  Good thing you weren't around for, say, the Black Death.

    Humans are durable, clever, and adaptable - well, collectively anyway.  Short of a gamma burst, they'll find a way to survive.

    (Just in case, we're working on advanced ion thrust technology which should provide interstellar flight by about 2080.)

  13. Like I said in another answer, predictions are hard to make because an unknown factors usually pops up.  I'll be 50yrs old this year and boy there has been a lot of changes in my lfe but my father would have been 100.  In his lfe, he first saw electric lights, indoor bathrooms, telephones, he drove a model T at the age of 14.  By the time he was 60, he saw people land on the moon.  What is going to happen is anyone's guess but most haven't a clue.

  14. it is defenitely the best kind of animals evr.

    so they hav brains and surely will find ways to deal with problms

  15. Well, let's assume no one is going to kill off everyone with nuclear or biological warfare, then politically and socially we're alright to survive. Environmentally, we have some problems that might kill off a large number of the population, but you should realize that there are too many humans on the planet and nature killing off a good number especially in population dense areas of the 'third world' will help a great deal. Of course, I really couldn't care less because being that I'm in my 20s, I won't survive the next 100 years and future generations mean nothing to me. Why should they? I'll be dead.

  16. It has to remember that nuclear weapons are just for show.  And it has to develop more environmentally safe sources of energy.  And it needs to listen more closely to those capable of such developments-that is, the smart people of the world.

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