
How can the law be used as a tool for social engineering?

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If you were in a position to enact laws, what kind of social engineering might you undertake? Why?




  1. It is done all of the time through schools programs. Oregon wants the children in government schools as early as 2 and 3 y/o. California is trying to make a law that you cannot homeschool your children.

    Look at seatbelt laws, helmet laws, the laws governing hate crimes. it is illegal to hate murerous pedophiles OR execute them now according to the supreme court.

    The question is why? why would anyone want to do this to the children and citizens of any group or country?

  2. OMG! I really hate every social engineering program that I have watched crash and burn!

    Better to turn things over to the vicar or gamble on anything but people who study this pseudo science. It goes back to NOT raising the kids to do the right thing. They just breed and sell drugs and you have a growing population of thugs and crack hos. That is what social engineering has given us.

    They start with invalid assumptions - they assume they know best and the doofus legislators enable their flawed programs. It sux.

  3. Let me guess this your essay homework! Try searching in essay homework websites :)

  4. Because the masses are sheep and are easily led by their good shepherds. Most people are little more than domesticated animals and obey the law as if it were the holy word of god. If you need any evidence of how far people will go to uphold the law, just look at n**i Germany and how they were still "law abiding citizens" even while they were dragging their wives and daughters to the SS because they broke the law.The US is one of the only industrialized countries to actually imprison people for writing bad checks

    and the fact that all of these laws are ruled by men in dresses with the title of "your honor" makes it  all the more absurd.

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