
How can the left actually feel this way?

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When commentators such as Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity present fact based augments, including sound and video bites, they are labeled hate mongers?

But, when people like Olberman or Moore come out and speak out right lies and hate, they are prasied by the left as great thinkers?

Example: Moore saying that God sent a hurricane to the Gulf just to disrupt the RNC Convention! And he is glad to see suffering?




  1. It is a double edged sword. But Liberal have more mainstream media on their side unfortunately.

  2. I'm a liberal... and even I think Moore should shut-up.

    He has NO filter and it makes us look really bad.

    *** I saw the Olberman show when Moore said that... Olberman immediately looked nervous and tried to pull Moore in line. He said something about never wishing that on anyone.

  3. Conservatives are fact based

    Liberals are emotional based...bunch of sissys....

  4. I'am sickend to have Moore as a fellow Michigander.

    And prayer for rain was not right either.

  5. Moore says one stupid thing, Hannity spends 3 hours a day spewing repetitive c**p with edited out of context garbage. That's the difference.

  6. moore is a big fat *ig!! bill maher,cobert,jon stewert all these outlits for the donks,and their still going to lose big,and these people are all liberal pukes!!

  7. only a person like moore or should I say the extreme left would be joyful of a hurricane that may have killed people. These people are just sick. You can not defend that kind of thinking.  

  8. The same way george w bush can invade iraq, kill many innocent men, women and children and claim that "god" told him to do it.

  9. If you think the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity are fact based there is no arguing with you.  You live in "La La Land."

  10. Hm... Considering that some republicans prayed publicly for the rain during DNC and got Gustav for RNC .... Look who is talking ..

  11. There are no gods.  There is nothing fact based on any of the pundits' broadcasts that you listed as "commentators."  

    And they are hate mongers.

    Moore is just the next Pat Robertson I guess.

    Or Jerry Falwell, Or Tony Perkins or James Dobson....I could go on and on with cons who have said the same type of things with out a word of criticism from other cons.

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