
How can the liberal democrats/socialists have spent millions and millions of dollars?

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set up a little greek temple, throw several good liberals under the bus, and all we see here in YA are questions about John McCain's VP pick announcement in Dayton OH? I guess their little shin dig wasn't all they hoped it would be. Or does it show that liberals would rather hate on the competitor than point to the superior (ha ha) perspective of their messiah.....




  1. It proves they would rather waste money than give it to the less fortunate.

  2. They are a pompous bunch with all the glitz and glamor but in the end the rational, not so easily fooled people will see obama for what he is, an empty suit with a shady past filled with dubious associations with radical individuals. He is the poster boy for the me generation.

    He is toast.

  3. Very Good Point.

    Liberals get mad when other people use their tactics.

    Like playing the race card - the gender card -  the hate card.

  4. That was a enlargement of the Capitols basement windows.

    you could at least get it right.

  5. Liberal democrat/socialist only exist in the minds of misinformed Republicans that have no validity.  

  6. You are right, they are supposed to be poor and have very little money.

    Just where those millions came from? may be through the multiplication via a small dollar amount by a huge donner number?

  7. It was a politically saavy move to cut short the praise of Obama's speech by selecting a VP candidate today.  It is also more relevant to Obama supporters who McCain chose rather than Obama's reaffirmation of his beliefs during his brilliant speech last night.  

    I see you rambling on about socialists and messiahs, yet your post is like jock itch, it gets your attention, but is not all that serious.

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