
How can the libertarians criticise Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

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FDR was the greatest President in history, why would they criticise his policies?

God Bless Franklin Delano Roosevelt




  1. Libertarians want government to do just the bare minimum.

    FDR enlarged the federal government to an unprecedented size.

  2. In response to the Great Depression, FDR created a much larger government and gave the government more power than any president since Lincoln.  This growth of government and the legacy of the New Deal is the reason libertarians criticize FDR.  The government agencies created during FDR's administration set the precedent of the government stepping in to solve problems of the nation.

  3. Your question is short on reasons why he was so good.  I believe there is a book countering the argument that he helped end the Great Depression and probably prolonged it by government intervention.  Look up books by Murray Rothbard and see.  

    There was a serious economic downturn I believe in 1921 where the government did not intervene and it probably helped because it only lasted 1 year!  We are educated in public schools to believe FDR was that good, but there is a load of evidence that refutes that.  Do some more research and you will see.

  4. Because Liberterians fundamentally believe in small government, and what can be attributed to that -ie, low taxation and a competitive private sector. FDR increased the U.S. Federal Government to an unprecedented size to facilitate employment, welfare programmes (which depend upon taxation and government revenue accumulation), and infrastructural development following the Wall Street Crash and subsequent U.S. economic depression.

    The legacy of FDR's government programmes (increased government, ie Federal agencies, increased taxation, welfare programmes, etc) is in conflict with Liberterianism which believes in minimising, or "rolling back" the state.

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