
How can the plant die if it doesn't release oxygen?

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How can the plant die if it doesn't release oxygen?




  1. Release of oxygen by the plant occurs when it is performing photosynthesis in presence of CO2 and water in sunlight with the help of chlorophyll molecule that is present in the plant cell. Non-release of oxygen means it is not performing photosynthesis which is vital process of a plant cell. SO if there is no oxygen release then the plant will die after exhausting all the reserved food from the plant cell. Of course during night time the plants cannot do photosynthesis. During night plants survive on the food that is stored in the plant cells.

  2. Our planet?  Earth.  We do release oxygen and a whole assortment of molecules into space. The atmosphere isn't a dome that seals us inside its a breathable surface, like a cell in your body. It lets something in & lets others out.

    Just imagine the human race as a virus, we've over populating the planet, we're using up & destroying the natural resources. Just like in a cell the virus multiplies until there's no room left and either dies or the virus leaves the cell to attack other cells.

    Do you really want the human race attacking other planets?

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