
How can the police moonlight and do two jobs?

by  |  earlier

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they even have their own website,ive always known they were never good at their first job,and judging by yahoo most people dont have much faith in them responding to crimes,maybe they are too tired or maybe ive been right all along in what ive said about them,sumfin dont smell right,maybe they are on the fiddle,nah the police wouldnt break the law,would they?




  1. I only understand the initial question which is about moonlighting. Police Officers can moonlight; for example, they can be security jobs at amusement parks, professional sports venues, etc.  

  2. Police are entitled to do another job as long as it is registered with their Chief Constable. There are regulations concerning their employment so any you know of should be legit.

  3. Not very well....

  4. Why do you not point a finger at the members of parliament who have more than two jobs, directors of companies is one such job they do.

  5. It's legal as long as they register it, but most Police Officers don't do it, haven't got the time. You would be better pointing the finger at teachers, no wonder they want to retain all their holidays.  

  6. what  

  7. POLICE and firement both moonlight as in there schedule it gives them plenty of time to work another job or two..

    yeah..they don't do enough on one job so they need another job to keep them busy..

  8. I'm assuming you're referring to the Police in the US or other countries?  I for one don't have enough time for my family let alone another job when I'm working 6 or 7 days a week at 8 to 10 hours per shift and that's if I finish on time which I rarely do.

  9. What are you on about?

    Police officers are allowed to have a secondary income as long as it is registered with the chiefs!

    You have only succeeded in making yourself sound like a fool!

  10. You sound extremely paranoid as well as being badly informed. You've given no evidence to support the extremely confusing point you are trying to make.

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