
How can the public influence the media to report the facts instead of their own opinion?

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Here is how it happened:

- Georgia invaded Ossetia in order to stop Ossetia from declaring their independence.

- The Ossetians beg Russia to help them.

- Russia helps (a bit energetically, but they make their point).

The US media goes nuts and reports ad-nauseum that Russia is a big, bad, evil empire picking on Georgia... Huh?

If you look at the articles about this regional conflict in the news of ANY other country and you will actually get some history of this conflict. The US media seems to only see Russia and Georgia. Forget the fact that the Ossetians are trying desperately to gain their independence... guess that just isn't news here in the US.

How can we as "the public" force the US media to be unbiased and report "fact" instead of their opinion? I am getting so tired of this!




  1. we should stop witch hunting of suspected opposition to the State and the media will start giving out fact finding information instead of deceptive ones. in the case of the Iraq war because the public had experience the September 11th attack they did not take that of Iraq kindly at all and the media also gave the people what they wanted and we all know whats going on concerning the Iraq way  

  2. It's too late.  President Reagan cancelled the "fairness doctrine" which required media outlets to spend equal time reporting "both sides" of a story.  [great guy, wasn't he?]  So now, you only get one side of the story.

    Also, for years the FCC -- the Federal Communications Commission, the entity that is supposed to make sure the airwaves are used to promote the "public interest" -- has been allowing unprecidented media consolitation.

    Years ago, most media, whether it be TV, radio, newspaper, were owned by independent companies.  That fostered competition and a balance of perspectives.  The FCC decided that wasn't necessary anymore, so now ONE COMPANY can own multiple TV, radio and newspapers in each city.  There is no balance of perspectives anymore.

    On top of that, most companies that own media are profiting off of endless war in some way.  For instance, NBC is owned by GE, which makes war planes, nuclear bombs and nuclear power plants.  Do you think NBC will ever tell you how to end the wars the USA is involved in?  No way!  They are making millions and millions of dollars off of death, destruction and genocide.

    BOYCOTT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!  This is the only way.

    If Americans went to the stars that are on, say NBC, and said, for instance, "Hey Mr. Jay Leno, we're not going to watch your program until NBC starts telling us the truth about ..." fill-in-the-blank.  I believe this is our only hope.  I hope I see it in my lifetime.

    Otherwise, democracy is dead.  The United States is toast.

  3. Wow! I'm so glad that there is someone else who is so enraged about the media jerking us around like they have been. It's totally ridiculous and I know exactly where you're coming from.

    Between the massive amount of commercials, false use of the term "Breaking News", and failure to report issues that are actually truthful and non-bias, I've often wondered this question myself. To be honest, I don't think enough people even understand how manipulated they are by the media.

    It's only starting to come out now, and very slightly, because who's going to report the media and news being bias and unfair? Obviously not the media! So, I think the best place to start would be finding people who are passionate about it and getting them all together to write to the news companies to tell them that they're going to lose viewers if the nonsense doesn't stop.

    And hey, if you did that, you've already got someone to join you. As I said, I'm just as sick of it as you are.

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