
How can the "we the people" preamble of the constitution. why weren't blacks included.?

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in addition, It seems they weren't thought to have value. why is that and has this changed?




  1. As was noted women were not included either, it really only included land owners.

    Slavery was the issue with Africans in America.  The framers did not deny the humanity of the slaves but if they had included them they would have had to free them and the Civil War might have proceeded the Revolutionary War.

    The American economy was based, in a large part, on the labor of slaves.

    The phrase "we the people" was only about white men, about like it is preceived by most white men today.

  2. No specific group was included, and blacks weren't EXcluded.

  3. Thomas Jefferson attempted to condemn slavery in the Declaration of Independence, but it was edited out (most likely by Ben Franklin).  Jefferson also wanted to free his slaves, but he had alot of debt and so his slaves had to be sold to pay off his debts (obviously, modern debt laws didn't come along until the 1800s).

  4. >"Where does someone having no values, purpose, etc. where does that concept come from in the American society?"

    Oppression, discrimination slavery is a human condition that affects all societies. Fortunately, it is correctable. The US has done a better job in correcting oppression and discrimination than any other nation on the planet. Go to Asia sometime and you will see far more racism, oppression and discrimination than any where on Earth. Africa, same thing. Europe? Hah, they are rioting in France over having too many Arabs. Northern Europe is still homogeneous and white. With that said, we still have a ways to go in America. Nevertheless, Barack Obama winning the Democratic nomination for President and leading the "white man" John McCain in all the polls is proof of this great progress. Only South Africa with the election of Nelson Mandela can match this achievement. The difference is that Obama has gotten where he is on white votes.

    >"Even within the times the preamble was written excluding blacks?"

    Blacks were included. That is precisely why the US has been moving forward in reducing oppression and discrimination. It was the evil of early Americans that misinterpreted the meaning. After all, the Declaration of Independence says "All Men Are Created Equal", not "some" men, not "white men only", but "All" men.

  5. During the time period that the Constitution was written black people weren't considered people.

  6. I am not really sure what this question is, or what exactly the point of it is.  But in the Constitution, when reference is made to "we the people" it is referring to the citizens of the United States, and make no mention of race, nationality of birth, or color.

  7. Neither where women. At the time blacks and women weren't thought to be equal.

  8. They also excluded the Indians and the giants that were buried throughout North America.  These were here before the blacks who came after America was established.  Our forefathers had no problem claiming this land for themselves and themselves only.  They even fought England and Spain and Mexico for it.  They wanted to establish a people's government without a dictator and without a king or queen.  They wanted to worship God as they wished to worship God and they wanted government to stay out of the church.  They knew they couldn't keep the church out of government because how does a man leave his beliefs at the door?

  9. Whites weren't mentioned in the preamble either.  Neither were Hispanics, Asians, Creoles, Martians, or any other ethnic or racial group.

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