
How can the scum of the Earth avoid being outnumbered by arty farty intellectuals?

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It seems everyone has a degree these days even if it is just a masters in mortar joint installation or an ology in bikini studies. How can us true workshy layabouts see of the threat from German workaholics. No seriously, from people that like to work.




  1. Ah, well I have two degrees myself, one in French and the other in psychology.  This allows me to lie about on my a*se in the south of France, and to introspect on my inner layabout.

  2. I just got my doctorate in stupidity..

    Does that count??

  3. We are artists...Bohemians...we need no PhDs......we think and work from our homes....our beds and bathrooms, even.  Our mental health will not give out due to exhaustion or the stresses associated with working for someone else 16 hours per day.

  4. That will never happen.  The layabout to workaholic ratio is 10 million to 1.

  5. By working extremely hard at being workshy procreators.

  6. So its YOU that sold plastic waterpipes to my local council!! so its you my children have to blame for me sending them down the mines to excavate raw aluminum!!

    Now you have lost the right to stand on the fifth explain yourself.....

  7. Seems like you got stuck again with one of them prior to world war 1 generators you're trying to sell as late model. That ain't work that is snake oil juggling.  I heard you sold two of them to Stevie Wonder too.

    late edit:

    And I know you destroyed The pier, the Grand at Weston-super-Mare which was caused by a faulty generator with the tag still on it that reads:

    "Penfold Laboratory Retrievers&Furnaces"

  8. I carry an honorary "Insult a r****d" Phd. Jealous?

  9. Get a degree.

    Be on the winning side for once.

  10. Just continue to breed like pigs after you've spent all day in the public house. Then feed your kids on chips.

    That should do the trick.

  11. Its not going to happen, they have already been turned into clones of each other, and are multiplying.

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