
How can the secret service protect Mitt Romney?

by Guest67152  |  earlier

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If Mitt is ever Prez or VP, he will be protected for the rest of his life by the secret service. Non-Mormons cannot go into Mormon temples.

So, will the secret service have to hire Mormons to go with him into the temples?




  1. They will fold him up and carry him around in a briefcase.

  2. I have been in a Mormon temple and I'm not Mormon. The secret service will be allowed in.

  3. Do you think that there are not Mormon Secret Service people?

    That would be like saying that SS Agents couldn't protect Hillary in the ladies room...

    We live in a big world with many types of people... get used to it...

  4. I'm sure that, if you look REAL careful, you might find one or two temple-ready SS men.

    Or, they can wait in the waiting room like everyone else. No one gets into the temple except by the front door. If anyone tries to get in who isn't supposed to be there, they will get caught right there.

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