
How can the tundra impact global warming other than melting?

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How can the tundra impact global warming other than melting?




  1. Actually the answer you are looking for is methane.

    One of the biggest problems with this global warming thing is that we don't understand it. However, we theorize that many gasses have the potential to increase retential of solar heat in the atmosphere. Among these gasses are carbon dioxide and methane. It is believed that methane would trap more energy then carbon dioxide.

    The tundra has been forming over millions of years and the life has buried itself as peat. This peat breaks down through biological processes various carbon minerals, methane and carbon dioxide.

    These gasses are currently trapped beneath permafrost or ice. However, if this permafrost is melted, then the methane may be released into the atmosphere.

    There is nobody that knows how much the increased methane in the atmosphere will impact the atmosphere. It could be a lot, it could be a little. The potential for melting permafrost to impact the atmosphere is there, however, due to the potential release of methane from the currently frozen peat bogs in the arctic.

  2. global warming doesn't exist.

  3. global warming occurs due to  reason  that the carbondioxide that is released into atm by the automobiles traps the heat energy from the sun on the earth. if the carbondioxide percent is in the acceptable amounts some amounts of heat energy gets reflected frm the earth's surface. so due to pollution the temperature increases slowly causing the ice caps to melt. since the ice caps are made of fresh water due to their melting into the ocean, it disturbs the salt& fresh water percentage on earth. so the balance gets disturbed.moreover the flow of salt water on the bed gets disturbed causing a havoc.since the tundra constitute the fresh water in the form of ice its melting due to the raising temp causes global warming.

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