
How can the use of solar, water and wind as alternative sources of energy can benefit my family and community

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How can the use of solar, water and wind as alternative sources of energy can benefit my family and community




  1. There are no emissions put into the air. Saves the ozone. It should benefit you by being cheaper aswell although that would depend on government taxes.

  2. Turning off even one light bulb can make a difference , a) to the effect of global warming , by reducing the amount of electricity used hence reducing the fossil fuels burned to create it and b) reduces your power bill .solar $ £ € for $ £ € solar after the initial cost of manufacture and installation gives you practical free energy, benefit the community by preaching and practising energy efficiency , we only have this planet on loan we have to pass it on to our future generations , lets give give it better than we got it

  3. Well, if paying more money for the same energy is considered a "benefit", then solar and wind are superstars.

    Hydro has and always has been, and always will be, the absolute best source of clean energy.  But any river that can be dammed by the Corps of Engineers ... has already been dammed.

    However, if wind and solar can wean us off the middle east oil merry-go-round ... it is probably worth it.

    You forgot nuclear.  That would be cheap energy and no CO2 emissions or emissions or any kind.  Coal, as you may know, is incredibly dirty as a fuel.

  4. The beefits are as complex & as unique as your family & community. there is no one-size fits all answer.

    for information on the technologies, assuming you are in the UK,  I recommend a visit to the Centre for Alternative Technology

    Otherwise suggest running a permaculture course, to look at your needs & resources you have available.

    The major benifits should be a better, healthier, cheaper, more secure (eg control over food & energy supplies) lifestyle that will leave an environment fit for your children.

    The downside is not as much of your money will go to the global corps & their mass media supporters; so expect all sorts of pressure to conform to the industrial unsustainable growth society norms.

  5. "I can make a difference", Renewable Energy is a benefit that is patriotic.  How would the world be without America buying fossil fuels ?  In a middle eastern country, a license plate was bought for $2 million dollars, paid for by oil.

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