
How can the world be so CRUEL?

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Why do some children, animals, and the environment continue to suffer. Why do some of you think the human race can be so cold-hearted sometimes?




  1. i agree with you completly. i dont kno how old you are but i am a teenager and lately its been really bothering me how everyday so many people suffer and sometimes no one even knows it. Being in highschool, is a perfect example - i see people almost everyday being mean to eaach other and i just dont get it. i think people need to get over themselves and start seeing other people for who they really are instead of what they look like

  2. This planet is a very diverse place meant to stimulate you to define what your desires are. If seeing injustice stimulates you, then act. Maybe it will cause you to be the most honest and giving and fair person alive. Maybe it will stimulate you to become an activist. Who knows, but please for your sake, Dont dwell on it. You only feed it within and without you and it will cause you to suffer. You dont want to suffer along with those, find something to be joyfull about.

    Good Luck

  3. the world is the way god wanted to be.good and bad.most of them are bad.good people are rare

  4. I guess we all have a chance to make a difference, this can start with one person feeling exactly as you feel. Join an environment group or help a kids food Van there are alot of people trying to help.

  5. we are all monsters...we aren't perfect, and definetly this world isn't perfect, and if it was, that wouldn't be's sooper's sorta like without bad there wouldn't be good kinda thing...yup.

  6. why fix it, it's not anyone's problem. Well that's the attitude of the majority of the world.

  7. As a Christian, I believe that Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden and that we all inherit their unloving sinful nature.  Ergo, the world will remain a cold, cruel place until Judgement Day.

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