
How can there be people who deny that our government was behind 911?

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What is it that your not understanding? How much research have you done and what are your sources? Any person with even the slightest doubt, please explain why and what the sources are behind it!




  1. Many Americans have been in denial since Bush has been in office trying to blame the decline of our country on prior administrations and now upon a Congress in deadlock.  It's easier to fix blame than fix problems, I guess.

  2. I don't know how it is possible for anyone with a computer to believe the official story of 9/11.My only guess is that people don't want to know the truth because it is to hard for them to swallow,that is why most of the answers you receive will just be more of the same tin foil hat wearing,basement dwelling,drug addict name calling,because it is easier than facing the truth.

  3. I'd say they're just too lazy to research but in all honesty I would think common sense would be enough. For me, nothing made sense on that day and everything about all 4 planes seemed fishy from the beginning. Building 7 collapse should have just been a slap in the face, a wakeup to reality.

    Maybe some people just prefer not to know the truth. Maybe some people will only align themselves with beliefs that are deemed most socially acceptable. Maybe common sense ain't so common.

  4. I think these "9/11 deniers" need some New material.   "nuts", "tin foil", "it's over, let it go"... all those have been done.  

    "If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names."  --Elbert Hubbard

  5. People who deny any funny business by the gov, have either not got the intellectual tools to make informed opinions, or are just too scared to believe the truth.

    The counter argument usually hinges on calling people nutty, or stupid.

    The very fact that the so called crime of the century has never even been fully investigated really says it all.

    A physical explanation is offered in Popular Mechanics, but it is based on many false premises.

    I have no idea who or why, but just seeing the towers fall, let alone WTC7, tells you this can't physically happen without all the supporting steel spontaneously losing strength throughout the buildings.

    I would make an educated guess that even if all the steel spontaneously turned to Jello, then the collapses would still not have been that quick.

    In the UK on Sunday night there was a documentary about WTC7 on BBC, and it was shocking to see and hear the disingenuous propaganda that would only have been believed by people with no independent reasoning faculties.

    One phrase I remember was instead of saying thermate they talked of "the fantasy land of super thermite".

    They pulled out all the stops as far as propaganda goes, they even had 2 closely edited clips in which Dylan Avery (one of the makers of loose change) says the F word without it being bleeped, something that would not normally happen on a Sunday evening documentary on BBC1.

    Many would have been shocked by that, and not even taken in what he was saying.

    I don't know anyone of reasonable intelligence who doesn't smell a rat.

    But one has to consider the chaos that would ensue if it became mainstream public knowledge.

  6. Here you go, it's the first tinfoil hat I've given out today.

    Because they were not behind 911.

  7. Are you FREAKIN KIDDIN ME?!?!?

  8. i think you need to find better things to do. any event that has ever happened in history there is always someone who thinks it a big conspiracy. I think people have been reading too much hardy boys cuz there is no mystery to solve so stop looking for one and actually do something productive with your lives. Get pissed if you want but its been over for seven years

  9. A significant silence up to now from the debunkers maybe because they have no serious issues to debunk and/or  have been all ready debunked themselves , they live in a bunker of ignorance, but they cannot hide from the Truth,not even in their ivory towers,eventually it will be brought to them and i hope and pray to One-and-All-Gods that Oishi is right and those  @holes (great typing O. ! )  will be dragged to court !!{ unfortunately that cant be done in the int.court of justice in the Hague because the USA doesn't recognize such institution - together with Somalia and Yemen !!!]  P.S. what is the "Top contributer "contributing ? jokes and riddles is a few pages down the hall.....

  10. I believed the "official " story before, now I am beginning to wonder. People do say "the bigger the lie the more people believe it"

  11. Lots of reasons. Denial, for the most part.

    Some of them are just young kids who have been indoctrinated by the media and their teachers.

    There was one here yesterday, only 14 years of age yet determined to "prove" the government's innocence.  It is most disturbing to see how the government is using propaganda against the children.  

    We must ensure our young are being taught how to apply critical thinking, and that it is their democratic DUTY to question politicians when the answers don't add up.

  12. There aren't as many left... most people will at least admit that the government probably let it happen. Only a small minority believes the official story without question (16% as of 2006).

    ...As for the rest of them  they were smart they'd switch sides before the truth is fully exposed, because the deniers and debunkers are gonna be standing around looking like total @-holes when the treason trials are taking place.

  13. Combination of explosive and aerial attack or complete fabricated attack feeding on fears of populace. Remember The Feds were unable to prevent the bombing of The Federal Building in Oklahoma why trust them for security.

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