
How can these gas companies keep making record profits instead of just cutting down the price?

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economist saying 7$ a gallon is coming... is this true? why and how?




  1. Because they can.  Until efficient alternate fuel is found, we are at the gas moguls' mercy.  Heck, even if we did find alternate fuel, I'm sure the gas companies would put a lot of resources in to keeping it from reaching the light of day.

    The good news?  I really believe that people are going to get so fed up that so much pressure will be put on finding efficient alternate fuels, that the oil companies can't stop them.  Guess what's going to happen to the oil companies when that happens?!

  2. because no one will stop them

  3. A Bush is president, is there any need to ask the question? The Bush family is in the oil business in Texas.

    Everything that you need money for is up and that happens each time a Bush is in office.

  4. its supply and demand.  They are selling a product that we need so why would they reduce the price.  Until consumers stop buying at the current prices there will be no decrease in price

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