
How can they find out I am riding a motorbike on provisional license if I take the L plates off?

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How can they find out I am riding a motorbike on provisional license if I take the L plates off?




  1. If you have a provsional licence then you will be restricted to a 125cc.

    If a copper who knows about bikes spots you on a 125cc and you have no L Plates then you are likely to get pulled over and most people trade up when they pass their tests.

    Other then that if you have an accident your insurance will be invalid..... you may lose your provisional licence and get banned from driving/riding for a while....not really worth it .

  2. there ANPR camera will read the plate,automatically it checks various data-bases and it flashes up that its registerd to a learner driver and as you have no l plates on your pulled over....

  3. The police will check your details from your Reg number.

    They check against the insurers database, the DVLA licence and tax databases.

    They will probably have checked all this before you even realise that you are being followed.

  4. Your insurance is invalid without L plates.

  5. They generally cant but think at least 3 point on your licence + a fine!!!!!!

    redoing your cbt etc!!!

  6. You're insurance will be void, so dont f**kin hit me

  7. You will get pulled over for not having License plates on.  It is mandatory to have plates on all registered vehicles that you use.  If you get pulled over for not having plates you will get a huge fine and then they will look at your license and see that you only are provisional and then they will slap another fine on and probably take your license away.  I wouldn't chance it!  Good Luck!

  8. if u did this you would be indangering your self and others due to you lack of road experiance and others not being able to know that you are inexperianced

  9. Stop you.

  10. If they pull you up or by your licence plate.

  11. The police aren't stupid, they use ANPR to get details of vehicle keeper & insurance, and people usually only ride a moped or a 125 'cos they haven't got a full license. A small bike with no L plates sticks out like a sore thumb.

    Get pulled & you'll be charged with 'driving otherwise than in accordance with a license' , your insurance will be void, so they'll do you for that too. A ban & a fine are guaranteed.

  12. Don't be a prat

    IF you break the law and have a spill insurance will be invalid and should you be lucky enough to sustain serious injury then good for being so stupid.  What if you injure or kill someone else

    Are you really that daft or do you perhaps think that it might just be a good idea to do it properly

    I've been biking many more years that enough and feel that being young is not a crime unless you mix young and stupid together and then you get all bikers a bad name and a rough deal all round.

    Do it right and try to keep biking alive and well otherwise legislation will slowly put and end to all of our enjoyment ot biking

  13. Boy have I got news for you.  Fitted in Police cars these days you will find a machine that will read your number plate, check with the computer automatically that you are insured and have a licence.  If you haven't it indicates to the Police and they will stop you.  Plus, if you have an accident and seriously hurt somebody, if you are not driving legally, you have no insurance.  Any insurance becomes void if you are not riding legally.You could be sued for a lot of money.  Any accident could cost you, plus a trip to court, a fine, points on your licence.

    Take a tip, don't do it, its Sod's law you will come unstuck

  14. They won't unless you get caught doing something stupid.

    As most people wouldn't be seen dead on a learner type bike, it's immediately suspicious when no L plates are fitted.

    Plod will pull you over and do you for a spot check.

  15. When you crash because you're not good enough to pass the test.  That's usually a bit of a giveaway.  Get some training and do it properly.  You'll live longer.

  16. When you get pulled over for having no plates on the bike, thats when they'll find out.

  17. The guys are right about the anpr checks but all very wrong about your insurance being void. If you were to crash and hurt somebody/ damage property your insurance would pay out but they would be able to make a claim against yourself for the costs that they have incurred.  Read the small print on your policy it explains it all there.

  18. your licence, insurance, mot, bike reg and all your details are stored on police national computor and DVLA.

    So just by pointing the camera at your number plate will give the officer all those details.

  19. It might get noticed on spot checks, or if you have an accident.  Bear this in mind - motorists are more likely to be careful around you if you have an L plate on the bike.  How do you think taking it off helps anything?

  20. They'll find out when they pull you over for not having license plates.

  21. Simple. If they stop you they will ask for your licence!! I f you have no L Plates you have an offense!

    Why do you want to get rid of them?

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