
How can this be possible?

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Hi people-

Okay my dog has always had urinary problems , so we would have to take her to the vet periodically. Well, we took her 2 weeks ago and he did a CBC on her and everything was normal. Two weeks later, a couple days ago, my dog couldn't stand up, and when I helped her up, I noticed she had urinated on herself. I told my parents and I left for school. She didn't get better, when they got her up, she just stood there (no walking, no nothing) it was like she was out of it. I came home on the advice of my mom and took her to the vet. The vet looked her over and said she had arthritis but her heart and lungs were fine and also she must have had pain in her abdomen b/c she yelped when he pressed on it. He didn't do much for her then. I took her back home and watched her closely. She tried walking from her bed to the den and would walk into walls and slid on the floor where her legs would give. It was like she was drunk or on ice. I cried because it was painful to watch. She tried this twice (walking to and from her bed and both times she would walk into the wall and slide and then just collapse on the floor or on her bed) My mom and I took her back to the vet and she was pretty much out of it then and losing her bowels, so we carried her on her bed to the car and into the vet place. Her B.P. had dropped and she was now having seizures. He checked her eyes and they were twitching which is a sign of vestibular disease. She seized for hours and she was extremely dizzy and disoriented. We were referred to APEC which is an emergency vet clinic where they can watch her over night. Early yesterday morning around 5 AM, we got a call from APEC saying that our dog had stopped breathing and they tried resuscitating her but it failed and she passed away. The vet had done another CBC on her and the results came back yesterday and they were all over the place- her glucose was low, the liver panel part (ALT,AST, etc) were very high, her WBC count was high. We didn't understand because it was normal only two weeks ago. Our vet said she could have had pancreatitis, cancer, epilepsy, vestibular disease, toxicity, kidney failure, a brain tumor, etc. Still, we have no clue what killed our dog and that upsets us. So, has anyone else had this experience and could shed some light on all of this?




  1. I feel very sorry for you. I hope you get another dog!

  2. I feel like crying after reading that, it was so sad. I'm so sorry for your loss.I can't remember the name of the disease but I was reading this book by Cindy Adams about her dog who died mysteriously under the care of others after being fine and perfectly normal for so long. I'd definitely look it up.

  3. I haven't had it happen to me personally, but I know someone whose dog died in similar circumstances. Her death was because of diabetes related difficulties. Though I'm sure your vet would have found that out if that was the case. The only other times I have heard of dogs getting ill so fast like that have been when they have gotten into something they shouldn't have (household poisons and the like). I am so very sorry for your loss. As painful as it is for you, I do hope you can get some answers as to what happened. It will help you to move on. *hugs*

  4. I find that so upsetting. I am all tears at the moment. Unfortunately I don't know what happened to your dog, but I recommend going to your animal hospital and explaining the situation to them. I hope you find the disease/result to this. I am sorry about the loss.

    R.I.P Ashley's dog.  

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