
How can this economy survive?

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We are a consumer based society driven to sell everything even ourselves yet jobs are such that they only hire contract employees, part-time workers, commission only sales, Waitress, and fast food service jobs. How when gas prices go so high can a society like that survive. Who can liv like that anymore?




  1. People sometimes have to move to survive. Weve done it, and alot of people here are doing it right now. Weve got alot of out of towners here right now, because theres so much work here. BUT, weve seen this 3 times before, we boom, then we crash, then all these out of towners leave.

    Weve had such a big boom this time, that they built alot of new businesses and new restaurants and all...whats gonna happen, is this is such a small community, between us and the next town over,  when it crashes, all or most of these new businesses will fold.  When all these new people leave, there wont be enough people here to keep these businesses open. We'll see alot of them close.*

  2. Get Another Job I Guess - - I Used To Have Three Jobs !

  3. Well manufacturing and steel are still doing well no matter what cnn says.I'm in manufacturing and the last five years have been my best.I guess the answer is to elect jesus obama and he will create 10 million new jobs and make us all rich.

  4. We will do what people in all nations have done for all time. We will have to cut back, make do, do without and get more creative.

    When things get tight we all have to adjust the way we live and do things. We make changes.

    It may not be easy or pleasant, but it CAN be done.

    Check out websites like The Simple Dollar, The Tightwad Gazette, Living on a Dime.

    There are many FANTASTIC blogs and websites devoted to helping people get out of debt and stretch their money to go farther and they don't have an "oh, poor me" attitude. Many of them make it fun and make it a challenge to get by well with less. I get a complete kick out of reading all these websites and learning how to do things better with less.  I just wish I'd known about all this when my kids were young. Boy, I could have saved a lot and done much better, but I didn't know.

    My motto is "Better late than never".  I'm learning to be thrifty now since I'm physically unable to work a regular job.

  5. Not sure where your hypothetical economy is, but a consumer based economy is not a bad thing. It means that people have enough money to buy necessities and still money left over to go out for dinner and such.

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