
How can this even be considered news (man giving birth)?

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This person is a man in name and registration only! "He" is FULLY female (albeit an extraordinarily unattractive one :P). So, why do the headlines all read "Pregnant Man"? Shouldn't they say something like, "hideous woman pregnant"?

Here's a link if you've been living in a cave and haven't seen or heard this:




  1. the headline should be "Bearded Lady Pregnant!"

    that would be more appropriate

  2. dude, what a world eh

    wierd stuff

  3. I agree, He, She what ever it is now, stopped taking the drugs so they were able to get pregnant. This is not news, it just another women pregnant.

  4. I'm amazed that he could still get pregnant with all those testosterone injections etc.

  5. I had the same argument.  The news merely brought in readers with a bang headline.  It brought us to this attention because we are curious and found that the man was once a woman who kept her uterus.  We aren't that curious if the headlines were to read:  Transsexual pregnant!  We think, big deal.  But, man pregnant!  What the h#*l!  We love shocking news!  This society thrives on learning about what is freakiesh today is becoming the norm tomorrow.  YIKES!

  6. it is ONLY NEWS because people watch it...

    it is just plain c**p IMHO

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