
How can this god loving lady be handled?

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my wife prays a hindu god called "sai baba" and curses me and my parents. she says god will damage you life!! god is with her! she is xenophobic and have phobias like i'm more caring to my parents. she abuses me mentally , physically and deprives of any s*x or affection!!

she is 24 hours on mobile phone ignoring the innocent kid and doesn't get m any food or any household stuff!!

if i object she threatens me to call the cops and get me and my innocent parents convicted me of false accusations , she alled up cops twice already !!

offlate she was prsurising me to leave my parents and go abroad and i agreed but ater visa and everything she says she will not go and stay here , she comes latenight and my child will be alone.

she doesn't divorce me also and doesn't allo the kid to go to boarding school!!

she prays god and spends lot of money on worship of god and does lots of holy functions but all are just to show world that she is very nice!!

she is always cursing me!!




  1. no way this is weird

  2. She sounds like you--a basket case....

    you 2 should be very happy together both completly insane....lmao

  3. She has my sympathies. lol you must be driving her as crazy as you do here.

    PS. Sorry . I thought you were kidding.

  4. Boo hoo, hoo.

    Why oh why is the whole world against you??

    Why oh why????

  5. You spend too much time on Yahoo..from morning to night. Take care of your wife and kid.Spend time with them, make them happy.

    Sai Baba won't punish you if you are

  6. You have to tell her if she is so godly why does she treat her family her husband and child this way she is doing the worst of all the things a person can do the Man is King of his castle not the woman the woman is suppose to take care of her husbands needs the bible says this. I am christian i am not sure if you are but even if your not if she wont go get help because she needs it obviously if she wont compromise if she miss treats you and the child i would divorce her i would take her butt to court and i would make it so she doesn't get to be around my child because her problem with godliness keeps her from taking care of the child the way a child should be cared for. She needs help and you cant help someone who doesn't see anything wrong with the way they are. God says all people are never without need of change some where in their life be cause we are all sinners only god is perfect WHEN some one thinks they are perfect thaT THEY DONT NEED TO CHANGE ANY THING then they dont need god that is defying god  Tell her this Family comes first that is what God says if She cant be the wife and mother she should be then you dont need her and your child doesn't need her in your lives so go away and never come back lady. If you want to work things out with her come to America get her to come too and have her commited in a mental hospitol till she can figure out she is not doing good for god she is hurting people in gods name and that is wrong that is evil and a very bad sin especially if you do this to your own your family

  7. Oh OZ! How many times have you come up with this one to gain sympathy? I think the woman needs her head read for marrying you in the first place.All will be settled when that big guy who is looking for you gets to her & tells her what you've been up to. She will kick you to the kerb in nothing flat. You daughter will then be able to live in a more peaceful enviroment without you & your wife constantly fighting.You sleep well at night now while you wait for him to come. BTW, if you're in Zurich, then i'm Raquel Welsh!

  8. handle with care.

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