
How can this new small business bloom?

by Guest45480  |  earlier

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My dad just opened an arts & crafts type store. It is near a popular lake but not a congested area. He is getting people in the store but not making many sales. He is offering all types of artsy home decor made by local artists. The pieces are all very unique and suited to the people in the area but why aren't many people actually buying anything. He has a site on Please check it out and give me some tips or ideas that I can give him to help out. He has helped me out a lot through the years and I would love to see him succeed.




  1. what if he tried to sell it on ebay? he could open his own store in there, i mean you cant count tonly on the people from your area.

  2. I'm not on myspace so can't go there.

    These are some wild guesses from my years of experience in business.

    Are prices competitive, assuming there are competitors?

    Are any of the artists or crafters known?  If so, their biography should be posted in print.

    If they're not known but have any traditions, post those in print.

    As for the shop.  Is it TOO Glitzy.  Those can be desirable and nice but can scare customers.

    If you think it is, then tone it down a little.  Have things a little unorganized.  It doesn't have to look like a junk flea market but it might be too showy, giving an image of high dollar merchandise.

    Don't discount the above.  There was once a hugh new mall that opened in St. Louis, 1960s.  It was top design with a decor not seen up to that time.  They had hordes of customers, BUT no one bought.

    They had to redecorate and tone it down.

    My first store was pretty jumbled, but it gave customers the impression that things were cheap.  I had a competitor/friend with a beautiful store.  I complimented him once and he replied, "Thanks, but I wish I had your customers".

    Another thing that's happening today.  People expect 50%-60% off and more, like discount stores.  We know that no one can operate with those kind of discounts.  Prices are inflated and then discounted.

    That may work for him.  Remember that tourists will buy "bargains" for gifts.  

    And Christmas is not so far off, even if the lake is in a cold climate.  Use that to your advantage.  If it's not too late for the climate, some Christmas items may be in order.  Yes, even now already.

    Thanksgiving items too.

    If he is doing any advertising, be sure that it is targeted to his real local market.

    Yellow pages, newspapers, radio, and tv are too costly as thay reach customers far, far from his locale.

    Use any local print media for the local area, where his customer base comes from.

    Any tourist publications for the lake are desirable.

    Use some discount cupons.

    "Two fers" are a good method.


  3. Make sure the prices are not too high. We live in a small town, and nothing turns me away from a new shop faster, than overpriced items.


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