
How can this sort of thing ever happen?

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perhaps we will learn more as the story unfolds, and no one goes out there and says it ok for someone to be abducted and treated like an animal. He told everyone she had run off, but no one, police, judiciary actually looked into that.




  1. Why don't we just wait until the investigation has been completed.  I have a feeling that there is a lot more to this story that has not been released yet.

  2. There is no way that the wife of the guy did not know, three children came to live with them from know where, either she was stupid or knew what was going on and did not want anything to do with it.

    The other three children when released for the first time by the police had never seen sunlight before.

    It is a disgusting story, concerning a very sick man that does not deserve to live further and should not be afforded any human respect.  However if he is convicted then the chances are he will only get a sentence of 15 years, it's f*cking sick!

  3. I'm finding it hard to get my own head around this sick madness...I also find it hard to believe that his wife didn't know what he was up to..but maybe he had the same control over her..and don't think that people can't have such control over another human being..because they can, you only have to look at what goes on around the world and see the injustices that are done to people at the hands of other's all to do with control.

  4. I agree Teddy, this sort of thing is unbelievable & should never ever happen.  

    My take is that is can only happen in a society/ community where people are mostly concerned with their own lives & totally isolate themselves from their neighbours.

  5. Why? Because we live in a world that is ruled by satan.  Satan is a powerful figure in today's world.  Jesus Christ referred to him as being the ruler of the world," the one whom mankind obeys by heeding his urgings to ignore God's requirements. (John 14:30; Eph. 2:2) The Bible also calls him "the god of this system of things," who is honored by the religious practices of people who adhere to this system of things.  2 Cor. 10:20.

    Please read( Luke 4:5-7) Revelation 13:1,2 reveals that satan gives 'power, throne and great authourity' to the gloval political system of rulership. Daniel 10:13,20 discloses that satan has had demonic princes over principal kingdoms of the earth. Ephesians 6:12 refers to these as constituting 'governments,authorities, world rulers of this darkness, wicked spirit forces in heavenly places.'

    No wonder that 1 John 5:19 says: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." But his power is only for a limited period of time and is only by the toleration of Jehovah, who is God Almighty.

  6. It is a drawback of moral relativism.  He believed that this was the best thing for him, considering each action he had taken before.  He had been raping his daughter for seven years before her put her in his dungeon.  The worst part is that he only got caught because, after 24 years, he showed mercy.  There are undoubtedly others out there in similar situations who will learn from this case not to repeat his misstep of showing mercy.

    This is not the worst thing that has ever happened in the world, far from it.  History is loaded with examples of horrific atrocity enabled by unquestioned authority such as the authority this man had over his basement.

    Do you know what is going on in the basement of your neighbors?

  7. what about young girls and boys disappearing from school records in england?

    to be forced wed abroad, it happens and nobody says a word,

  8. It said in the new's that the mother didn't know!! how can she not have known went 3 of the children were brought to live upstairs!

    This all beggar's belief!

  9. It happened because no-one over there took any notice, Its put me right off going there. I know our social services aren't that good but really, at least we have a reasonably good community. Did no one notice that she had disappeared at 18 from public sight, what about other relatives and friends, asking after her. Surely they should of reported their  concerns back then.

  10. Perhaps he believed that all human endeavour is ultimately rendered futile due to the cooling and eventual contraction of the universe.

    Just think though,, right now there are probably HUNDREDS of young women, all over the world, being held captive, raped etc.

  11. Society disconnect. Same thing happening in this country. You haven't noticed how people pass in the street and most won't look or acknowledge another? It's from all of this "I am offended" BS. Nobody pays any attention to anyone else because they're afraid of being accused of something. Have you heard about the new fade libs are pushing? It's called "visual aggression." Libs want the police to have the authority to have someone locked up for looking at them. Libs created  all of this c**p and the result is such things can happen right under your nose. Score a couple for the femenistas. They really got the sh-- together.

  12. Sometimes I feel like some actually wanted to be abducted simply because they had several chances to escape but for some reason...just don't....

    Then on the other hand a big part of being captive for that long is mental captivity....those guys have them mentally

    Its so hard to gather....I do know this...there are some crazy people out there, thats for sure

    And for the majority they look normal but inside stark raving lunitics

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