
How can tissue culture help solve food problems?

by Guest56474  |  earlier

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I'm just curious, how?




  1. Tissue culture means you are growing plant or animal tissue in a lab, not on a living being.

    So, if you want chicken meat, you could grow a culture of chicken muscle tissue. Rather than raising chickens, feeding them, cleaning after them, etc, you would have a plate full of muscle cells that you feed with some sort of nutrient broth. If you want potatoes, for say powdered mashed potatoes, you could grow potato root tissue the same way, and not have to deal with pests, digging, and peeling.

    It's not appetizing. If the cost was low enough, it would be an efficient way to create large amounts of food without using much land.

  2. with tissue culture you grow the kind of plant with the desired characteristics like containing vitamin A producing gene( in golden rice).

    rice is the main staple food grain in developing countries such as in Africa,India etc.

    rice doesn't contain a precursor for vitamin A resulting in vit A deficiency in children that kills 300,000 or more children every year.

    so golden rice would eradicate vit A deficiency.

    it is however not cultivated because it could hamper with evolution and it is against ethics.

    with tissue culture,disease resistant varieties of plants can be cultivated.

    in the future,with development in biotechnology,fruits which produce vaccines can be cultivated with gene manipulation and tissue culture.

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