
How can u ask good questions?

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How can u ask good questions?




  1. Just go for it.Ask anything you want.Dont be shy.

  2. You can start by spelling out the word "you".  No one wants to try to decipher your code when reading a question.  If you need to know something, just ask the question.  There are no "good" or "bad" questions.  If you're just trying to think of a question to ask, you really don't even need to be on this site.

  3. 1. Stay on topic - if your in a certain category then make sure the question matches the category.

    2. Use good spelling and grammar.

    3. Don't ask for the sake of asking - meaning make sure it is something you truly want to know and not just asking a question out of boredom.

    4. Select the appropriate category

    5. You may make the question difficult in which you can get to know intellectual users & their answers.

  4. 1) Be Specific: Get right down to the point, and make sure they are detailed.

    2) Provide Details: The more information provided, the better answers you'll receive. But don't give out useless information (that are irrelevant).

    3) Be Patient: If you try forcing a reply out of someone, you won't get a good, and thorough answer.

    4) Appreciate the answer: Whether it is correct or not, always respect the answerer by Thanking them, remember - they took out time to think about and answer your question. And of course, it's nice to leave a good impression on others.

    Hope these help?

  5. that is kind of relative and perceptive,from the person who ask,and from the answerer point of view,in other words

    every question is a good question.

  6. That's a good question, or should i say metaquestion.

    I think that after a while, you will acquire the knack of asking

    those pivotal questions in whatever you like to do.  I've often heard accomplished people say "Learn to ask good questions"  These come out of what you know and  reason and  your intuition.  The whole thing takes time but i have a hunch there are shortcuts

  7. When you expect a good answer for your question and you get it.

  8. You can ask good questions by listening and paying attention.

  9. Remember...there are no stupid questions...just stupid people that ask questions

  10. I have read all the answers for this question so far and I agree with just about all of them.  I was wondering what your question even had to do with the Paranormal??  This question seems to be asked out of boredom. If you have a real question you want to know just go ahead and ask it the best way you know how. I agree there are no real answers for this question. I also agree with spelling out full words for any question.  Then no one is left trying to figure out what you are saying.  Is this a Paranormal interest?  Good Luck.

  11. ask it goodly

  12. Be a good listener.  Really hear what is being said and what isn't being said.

  13. i cant answer that

  14. You need to be an adult before wisdom might be a possibility.

  15. If there is something you would like to know,just ask! I don't think someones wanting to know is a good question, or bad one.It's just a question.Don't be so bashfull!

  16. well how?

  17. Most importantly, you must use the search tool to see if anyone else has asked that question. I'd say about one third of the questions on Yahoo answers have been asked multiple times. These questions range from "What is the meaning of life?" to "What are some fun things to do in San Francisco" to "How do I get into Stanford?".

    Once you have determined that your question is truly unique, make sure it is in the right category. If you want to know something about Boston, you will get better answers in the Boston section than in the Paris section. And even this question should be in the Yahoo Answers section.

    You must make sure you include all relevant information in your question. For instance, asking what college you should go to, you will get much better answers if you say what part of the country you want to live in, what your intended major is, and other information. Try to get everything in off the bat, and use the "Add more details" feature only if you must, because most answerers won't check back in 2 days to see your clarification about what you were really asking.

    And finally, use the add more feature instead of asking another question. So many times, I see questions like "More info about my question!!!", where neither the original question is listed, nor are the original answerers going to see the new question.

  18. By asking good questions.

  19. How to ask good questions.

    1. stay on topic - if your in a certain category then make sure the question matches the category.

    2. keep the question simple but well defined.

    3. use good spelling and grammar.

    4. Don't ask for the sake of asking - meaning make sure it is something you truly want to know and not just asking a question out of boredom.

  20. You aint gonna please everyone, so just ask whatever you want to know, then ignore all the dumb answers.  Unless you get a kick out of them like I do.

  21. by asking sumthing not as stupid as asking how to ask good questions

  22. JUST DO It

  23. Like you just did.

  24. Practice spelling "you" correctly.

  25. If u have good resoning power, good logic, practicality, and above all a clear mind u r bound to ask good questions

  26. Dancegirl,

    start off by picking subject topic you are familiar with and answer some questions first. You need to only ask, when you really have a question. It is silly to make one up just to ask.

    You will just get angry replies from bitter people.

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