
How can u be popular in 8th grade

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i was pregnant in 7th grade and now im goin 2 a new school. want to be known and not in a bad way. just for me . i want to become prom queen 2. my ppl say i have 2 be in band and get good grades but these days u cant do thats so idk. help plez




  1. Don't try so hard and it'll be easier.  Don't do things to get pregnant because then youll just be labeled certain terms. Prom isn't until high school, worry about it then. Where I went to high school the band kids were their own society and were popular in their own circle, but band geeks have more fun.  Why can't you get in band and have good grades these days?  Our band kids had the best grades.

  2. prom queen isn't til high school. at least not in most districts and if anyone finds out u were pregnent in u'll be known as a s**t

  3. Well your ppl are actually right cause with todays sioctiey you need a good education and muscial classes will help you get there.

    About the first line in your question you were what!?

  4. whatever you do dont try to act cool...that only makes people think you are stupid...get involved with a lot of school related activities and tht will get you better known...dont brag about anything bad you do or have done because everyone does it and it doesnt make people think your any cooler...most of all be yourself and hopefully people will like you for that!

    good luck

    also going to a new school gives u a fresh start so dont focus on ur past focus only on the future good luck at ur ew school!

  5. go on made

  6. study hard and forget being popular. this is to help you live a life after school. If I had known this my life would be much better now.  

  7. Be yourself. Don't worry about being popular, its meaningless anyway. Don't worry about having a mob of people around you, instead make a few good friends. Popularity brings with it a lot of unwanted drama and things you really don't need or want. Do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Focus on your education, in the long run thats the only thing thats going to mean anything when you're an adult. Best of luck

  8. Don't worry about being popular.The  most sucessful people wre unpopular at school.Just say f*ck being popular.

  9. huh? wait 7th grade? umm ur ppl are correct! i feel u should focus less on being popular and more on school because it's not the popularity that gets u into college it is the hard work u put in to ur school work.....getting caught up in all that stuff can just distract you

    good luck

  10. dont worry bout being popular. hang out wit alot of diff ppl. lik jocks, preps, goths, rockers. be versitle. be urself. dont let ur past end ur future.!!!!

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