
How can u become a motorbike stuntman?

by  |  earlier

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can u tell me some info on it plz

an site where i can get info

i live in the uk

and i love motorbikes




  1. yes i agree*************************

  2. Practice up and down the High Street until the cops get you and stick you in prison. Then, in prison write a book about your life and the next thing Hollywood will be beating a path to your door. Then you can be the stuntman in your own movie!!

  3. what does this have to do with racing.......

  4. i think a few ppl on here have got to much time on there hands

  5. You'll obviously have to be an accomplished and impressive rider, but the sad but TRUE fact is that unless you know people in the "Biz" you'll never get a paying gig.

      So if you are serious, while you practice developing your extraordinary riding skills, you need to seek out and befriend people in the stunt business,

  6. do alot of practice

  7. Do you know what Doctors call motorcyclists?

    Organ donors....

  8. Wear proper safety equipment. Get leathers from head to toe with a spine protector and the best helmet money can buy. Don't forget motorcycle gloves and boots as well. Wear fire resistant equipment if you are going to be doing any fire related stunts.


    Step Two

    Start with the dirt. It hurts much less to fall on dirt than it does on pavement, and you don't get that awful road rash. Try out your stunts in the dirt first.


    Step Three

    Get some supervised training from the professionals. If you're serious about motorcycle stunt riding, get some education. It can only serve to improve your skills. Try the Professional Stunt Training Centre in West Vancouver, B.C.


    Step Four

    Join a stunt team so you can be apprenticed and learn from the professionals while on tour with them. Groups like the NH Rough Riders out of New Hampshire have a great program to get started in the motorcycle stunt arena.


    Step Five

    Practice your game. If you go out there cold, you are certainly going to slip up. Make sure each stunt is well planned out and practiced before attempting the real thing. Also make a contingency plan in case of equipment or other failure.

    Tips & Warnings

        * Motorcycle stunts are dangerous. Do not attempt any stunts without proper professional training and safety equipment.

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