
How can u compare the ancient greek idea of democracy to the ancient roman idea of democracy?

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i have this assignment where i had to compare and contrast the ancient greek idea of democracy to the ancient roman idea of democracy...but i thought they were the same, how r they different from each other




  1. Well, we studied this not too long ago...

    Athens had 500 citizens who basically made decisions for everybody; the other people didn't have much say.

    In Rome though, they had 300 patricians (wealthy people) who governed the people.  2 of these were the head hanchos for a year I believe.  The poor people didn't like this though and began to get mad so they eventually allowed some representatives of the poor people called .... hmm I can't think of the name right now.  Anyway Rome went through a cycle:

    they started with a republic (300 patricians w/ 2 who were in charge for a year)

    then they allowed a dictator in times of emergency

    then they liked a certain dictator so much they made him totally in charge and so Rome became an Empire.  

    Wealth was key to be able to play a big part in Rome's government.

    For ur second part:

    Athens, Greece was the first sign of a democracy.

    The Roman Empire became so important and influenced the world so much!  It became so great that all the other Empires tried to rebuild it so to speak!  It had wonderful trade and great new ideas.  (Aqueducts was a wonderful idea they got from the Etruscans)

    Hope this helps!!

  2. The above answers are correct, but about 90% of the residents of Athens were slaves and had no say in government.

  3. The greeks used a direct democracy, Rome was a representative republic with social classes.

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