
How can u explain a game of pool to novice like me?

by Guest62961  |  earlier

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as far as it goes... the only thing i know is ur suppose to use the white ball to knock all the others into the hole and u win right? no?




  1. The BCA Website plus a few dozen more

    Hurry and learn Ill be waiting-Good luck

  2. they're are many types of pool like 8 ball, 9 ball, snooker, trick shot...

    the most common are 8 and 9 ball.

    for 8 ball there are three of ball, solids, stripes and the 8 ball. (the one with stripes and one with only the color and the black ball). If you are the first one to put a solid ball in a pocket, you get all the solids on in the wholes without shooting the white ball in one of the holes as that is a scratch* and you lose your turn. once all of the solids or stripes are gone, you can attack the black 8 ball. first one to get that ball in wins the game. You can not hole the 8 ball before finishing your stripes or solid as this will result as you losing the game.

    For 9 ball, it is pretty simple you must hole the balls in order from 1 to 9, you must absolutely touch the lowest ball on the table or else it results in a scratch and a ball in hand* for the other player. putting the white ball in a holw also results as a ball in hand for the opponent. Finally the first one to get the 9 ball in the hole wins the game but all balls must be done in order. let just the 1 ball is the next ball, and the 9 ball is near a pocket and it is perfectly placed for a combination shot, you can hit the one ball that will hit the 9 that will go in the hole and this will result as a win. As long as you touch the lowest numbered ball on the table you are safe.

    Snooker is a very complicated game that i do not know how to play. (well partly know)

    trick shot is just fun to watch on tv as the players do spectacular shots that the opponent must make to get the point and so on.

    *scratch means the opponent can put the ball anywhere behind the black line on the board.

    *ball in hand means the opponent can put the white ball anywhere on the board before shooting.

  3. yep pretty much. To go into more detail though there are unders (solid coloured balls) and overs (solid coloured line balls with white border) they are set up (racked) and player 1 hits the white ball from anywhere in the D and breaks them (the racked balls) apart, if a ball goes into the pocket (eg:an under or over - off the break) he keeps playing - if player 1 hits and 2 balls go in (an under and an over) he forfeits his turn and player 2 gets to decide what ball he wants. Basically when the players have decided which balls they go for (usually by hitting one in first) it is all pretty straight forward from there eg: Player 1 is on unders - Player 2 is on overs, they each have turns at hitting there respective balls in the pocket (except the 8 ball which is always the last to be potted) if you get a ball in you get another turn, if you miss it is the oppositions turn.

    Once you have hit all your balls in you can then go for the black (8) ball and once you hit the black ball in you win.

    These are the very very basic rules of the game and once youve learnt these then the rest of the rules wont seem so complicated.

  4. Join the APA pool league in your area. They have 250,000 active amateur pool players Nationwide, including Canada and Japan. Their web site has a complete set of rules for 8-ball and 9-ball that are used consistently wherever you play APA pool. The site can also tell you where a league is in your area.

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