
How can u get diabetes if you eat a lot of sugar?

by  |  earlier

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i read that it happens with kids overweight, but why? does it make ur pancreas work really hard and then it eventually doesn't make enough insulin? i dont know, this is my opinion.




  1. Yep, that's the primary way.

  2. You cant exactly get diabetes by just eating lots of sugar. But without getting into too many details, one of the mechanisms in type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance, where your pancreas IS making insulin, but its not acting on your body. And this can happen if you are overweight. Which is probably where the 'eating sugar can give you diabetes' comes from.

  3. There are two types of diabetes - type 1 and type 2 (not very original, huh?).

    Type 1 is when people are born with the disease, while type 2 is often called adult onset.  People get this type later in life.  It is most often caused by eating excessive amounts of sugar or being very overweight (obese).  What happens is that the body gets overwhelmed with big doses of sugar that it has to start churning out the insulin to counter act and lower the sugar level in the blood.  After a "sugar high" you can get a "sugar low" when the insulin takes over.  If you abuse your body for many years with too much sugar or if you carry a lot of extra weight, you body loses its ability to make insulin and you might have to start taking it.  Usually that doesn't happen until middle age, but it can happen earlier.

  4. Type 1 is when the body does NOT produce insulin and therefor you need a shot of it.

    Type 2 is when the body becomes insulin resistant. the body produces insulin but the cells do nto allow the inulin to 'open the door' for the glucose.

    It's not really the use of lots of sugar but the lack of activity. Ussually, a type 2 diabettic who starts an exercise routine, any activity(movement) helps the bodies insulin receptors to start working again. the added activity uses the blood glucose for energy.

    Any form of activity can help. I park farther from stores to walk in. I use the stairs (but only a flight or 2, I'm not that ambitious, YET) just keep moovin.

  5. Yeah definately

  6. Eating sugar does NOT cause diabetes.  Eating the wrong food does NOT cause diabetes.  Diabetes is a disease that develops when the persons pancreas is not functioning the way it should be.  You do not have to be overweight to get diabetes either.  These are all old wives tales.  Type 2 diabetes can actually cause some weight gain in some people before they are diagnosed.  A person with type 2 can sometimes control his disease with diet and exercise, but most of them must take medications, and it is not because they don't try.  Most type 2 diabetics will have to take medications because diabetes is a progressive disease.  In type 1, the pancreas does not make any (or very little) insulin.  This person is now insulin dependent and must take insulin injections for the rest of his life.  No one knows for sure what causes it, but doctors think a virus attacks the pancreas and damages it somewhere along the line, thus causing diabetes to develop.  In type 2, the person many times starts out being insulin resistant.  Being insulin resistant is type 2 diabetes....the pancreas makes a lot of insulin, but the body does not use it right.  The pancreas is working overtime trying to keep up with the amount of insulin that it thinks the body needs.  Later in life, the pancreas becomes weak, and can't make enough insulin at all now.  Medication is required to help it make a little more insulin, and help the body distribute it, and keep the liver from producing more glucose.  Less than half of type 2 diabetics are overweight when they are diagnosed.  Many of the ones that are overweight are actually overweight because of the diabetes.  There are many type 1s that are overweight , they are usually the ones that eat extra carbs and sugars and use more insulin to make up for it.  The combination can cause weight gain.

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