
How can u get rid of bad breath?

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How can u get rid of bad breath?




  1. When you brush, make sure to brush your tongue as well. If you have bad breath due to sinus issues, you may want to talk with your doctor.

  2. Previous answers are good.  

    Cleaning the tongue is usually the best remedy.  Tongues are like shag carpeting; if it isn't clean then it smells bad.  Also the bacteria will irritate the tongue tissue and cause "necrosis" ie dead "skin" cells that will smell bad also.

    Look for a tongue scraper at the drug store.  Oolit is a good brand but the others will work too.

    You may need to do this every few hours because the bacteria returns quite quickly.   Also avoid foods that cause dry mouth eg caffiene and alcohol;  less saliva means less dilution of the bacteria and stinky stuff

  3. brush ya teeth! use listerine!

  4. Brush your teeth after you eat, floss and use a mouthwash. If this still doeson't work go to the dentist. They have treatments for bad breath.

  5. Gargle a cup of lukewarm water mixed with salt or half a lemon juice.This is  best done before going to bed. Chew parsley leaves,which are sure to keep your breath fresh. Put a few drops of tea tree oil on your toothbrush top it with toothpaste, and then brush your teeth.  More useful remedies at

  6. natural bad breath cure can come from an all natural oral care product. this can help in washing away food debris that are left between the teeth and gums. water can help in keeping the mouth salivated and can keep bad bacteria at bay.

    you may have a good program of oral hygiene, do properly brush and floss teeth every after meal. be able to know the cause of your bad breath first to be able to get the best treatment.

    it is always best to have a talk with your dentist so that he can detect the underlying cause of your bad breath.

    for more tips about banishing bad breath visit

  7. It depends on how you get the bad breath. If it is from food, then you should use a peppermint or spearmint gum. On the other hand, if it is halitosis, a common genetic trait that gives you bad breath, you should use Crest Pro Health mouthwash. I use that day and night and my breath never stinks. If you just get bad breath and you don't know why, then you should use a mouthwash day and night and see if that works. Hopefully this will help you!

  8. gum, mouthwash, and thats all i have

  9. OK first brush your teeth, gums, and tongue. Then use gum like Orbit, or you can use Altoids( they are very strong so they will help.)

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