
How can u get telekinesis power?

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How can u get telekinesis power?




  1. It's quite simple really. Just mix some ground unicorn horn with some dragon's blood...

  2. Sorry you can't.Why would you think it's possible?

  3. You cannot.

  4. eat doritos

  5. by sending in 10 UPC codes from Cracker Jack boxes, along with $4.95 for shipping and handling

  6. Some people are born with that power. You cannot get it by earning a diploma.

  7. Uri Gellar developed telekinetic powers. If you check out his websites, he can tell you how to do it.

    He was on a radio program and he fixed my dads pocket watch over the airwaves. It had not run in twenty years, no matter how much we would shake it, it was dead and then within 10 minutes Uri Gellar fixed it somehow with telekinesis.

    Who evber says it is impossible, has not tried the Uri Gellar method. They just say he is a fraud without even trying to test it out.So have an open mind, don;t listen to the losers who say it is impossible. There are many impossible things done every day.

  8. If there is a way to develop telekinesis, nobody has yet determined how. This question is asked over and over and over here, but the answer remains the same every time. So forgive the repeated answer, but 1 + 1 always equals 2.

    Nobody--ever--has been able to demonstrate psychokinetic ability. Many have claimed the power, and some have tried to demonstrate it with only dismal results, but none have been able to demonstrate the slightest ability. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. So I'm sorry to say that neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do telekinesis.

    EDIT: Uri Geller is a fraud. A two-trick pony failed illusionist, nothing more. He's been exposed, many times over.

  9. I'm pretty sure that you need to save around five box tops or proof of purchase and send along with a self addressed and stamped envelope. Expect three to four weeks for return delivery. Have fun!

  10. You can't get something that doesn't exist.  Please listen to me when I say it: No matter how much you'd like to believe in it, TK does not exist.  There is no reason to believe that such powers exist.  There is no and never has been any evidence for the existence of telekinetic power.

    However, there is overwhelming evidence that Uri Geller is a fraud.  Some of it is on youtube.

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