
How can u go through life knowing everything u thought would happen never did ?

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Well as if you can isn't easy right?

but i mean i have always been special to everyone in any way..i mean i was like so important in their life..and now as life progress and as we have grown its like im not as important as i use to be..and i know what ur thinkin didn't u answer ur question..well i actually i didn't...why aren't i as special..why do people not think of that anymore...what have i done....




  1. It makes no sence!

  2. Life changes but you'll always be important.

  3. It's called growing up..and it happens to us all

  4. It's called growing up and coming face-to-face with reality. No, it's not always fun, but you have to do it. You can still contain your childhood dreams. I would suggest living without regrets. That way, things seem a little better somehow.

  5. Things do change, espescially relationships, and sometimes people don't always live up to our expectations, and that hurts. But you will find ways of making those relationships work, you can't change people but you can adapt and grow. Things won't stay the same but you will grow with them and make them work for you. It isn't easy, but you will do it. Just carry on learning and building your relationships with others and you will be okay

  6. what...expectations deceive many people... content with who you are and make LIFE work for YOU...

    ...enjoy all that LIFE IS in the moment each day...thanks for asking...

    ...and good luck...

  7. As you get older, your talents and your natural attributes don't define you anymore. People already know and recognize these, they can't mention it every day.

    As you become an adult, it is your choices that define you. What do you chose to do with your talents, etc? Are you a good example for younger people?

    Teens through tweenties, often people wait for things to happen, as they seemed to happen when you were a child. Other adults were making those things happen!

    It is really great that you are exploring this  - the sooner you realize that you need to make the good things in your life happen, the better. I wasted time waiting for things to happen!

    You need to DECIDE:

    - who you will be

    - what type of life you want

    - what influence you want to have on the world

    Then, you work toward that, looking for opportunities along the way. Often if you chose something really specific, you may find you don't get that exactly, but you'll get something similar, that's even better for you.

  8. Change is the only constant in life.  What you are feeling now is nothing that we others have not felt.  Coming to terms with such reality is extremely difficult but its all part of growing up.  You will be fine soon and then these things will cease to bother you.  It will toughen you.  Just abide.

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