
How can u have control on yr thoughts?

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i really want to control all the negative thoughts i have it is so disturbing how do u think u can control yr thoughts and then yrself

i am 14 yr old girl




  1. Welcome to the club my dear. I used to be a No1 thought uncontrolled and it is a mere nightmare but I never gave up; I worked very hard on my self whether by reading psychological books, looking up on the internet, attending religious lectures asking God for help or visiting some shrinks.

    Ironically I found that the solution was simply in my pocket and the above things were only lightened my way to the answer. I can simply list them to you:

    Looooong spare times means slow death: I don't know from which background you are but idleness is certainly a killing method for any human being especially those of your age- imagine having a sport car kept in a garage or only used in the neighborhood. Try your best to find a hobby- a productive one- or enroll in an activity that keeps you busy half the day and to the extend that it let you at the end thinking of nothing but to go to bed. Personally the only activity that made me so was joining a sport club and joining a philanthropic duties like feeding or teaching the poor-they are they are spread everywhere you know. I can not describe how I felt when I worked with them, I can only say that they made me feel and believe how silly and denying I was towards God's blessings to me and thereby I felt ashamed to let my mind be bound by trivial thoughts. I told my self: If am helping the others then God will absolutely help me therefore keeping thoughts in my head makes no sense….it'll only turn me mad! It was really a magic shot of maturity.

    Second, try to avoid things, people, situations, that are the topic of your negative thoughts. Well if they were close relatives or a family member then try to limit the contacting periods- the first step can help you on that.

    But if these thoughts were only imaginary topics then ask God every second with deep heart to give you power to press DELET once the thought pops up - I tried it my self and it was a divine spell that I could imagine having that power of mind control before. You can also accompany all these steps with a visit to a psychologist.

    Warning: Never give up doing the two steps and once you get the result don't quit it because it returns in most cases- as long as you're having this beautiful mind. 

    Hope you come over it soon.

  2. i don't think you can, you're thoughts have being developed by encounters with environment and people (which Freud calls the superego).

    your thoughts look like this -ID>ego<superego-

    ID represents your needs are, in your case you think your needs are evil, that society will shun you, that my friend is the voise of the superego. they are always in conflect, thats ware the ego comes in, ego uses tools to deal with these conflicts, the most populare being repression or denial, this is where you ego pushs the desires of the ID into the sub-consious. its not gone its just hidden.

    so what i'm saying is that you can't change what you think, only repress it.

  3. Consontrate on other things. Spend time in listening music, read novels, or the best way is sit on u're pc answer the questions such these.

  4. The Idea that all you can do is repress negative thoughts is a false one. If you are having negative thoughts you must face them. Think about the root of a thought that is negative. Try to be as honest with yourself as possible. If a negative thought is true like "I am fat," then think about what you can actively be doing about it. Like say do a cardiovascular workout every day for one hour. This will put a positive spin on the thought. Every time you think "I am fat" add "but i am getting skinnier every day." If you find yourself think negative thoughts like "My face is an ugly face," understand that this is something unchangeable. If something cannot be changed then there is no reason to dwell on it. You must realize there are some things which are unchangeable. If you cannot change it then admit it too yourself. Accept the unchangeable for what it is.

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