
How can u keep goin w ur life after breakin up w someone u love so much????

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How can u keep goin w ur life after breakin up w someone u love so much????




  1. Yes. You only really need oxygen, water, and food to survive. Losing someone you love sucks, but you'll live, and might even come out the better for it.

  2. You value yourself more than you value missing her.  

  3. Get a new job or go splurge on fun things to do with your friends; like a nice dinner, day trips to fun places. Do stuff! It will help pass the time, which as someone said, will help you heal.

  4. Sometimes you can't for a little while.  You're grieving the loss of someone you love and grieving the loss of a relationship is very similar to grieving the loss of someone who died.  Grieving is hard work and you have to do it in your own way, in your own time.

    You can't just run out and start dating someone new.....well you can, but it will never work and it's certainly not fair to the other new person.

    For awhile, you need to allow yourself to feel your pain and although I'm sure it feels like it will never end, I promise you that it will subside and the day will come when you are ready to step out and try again!  At some point, you will be able to relocate that person to another place in your heart.....a place where you don't just cry and feel hopeless when you think of her and the relationship you had, but a place where you will be able to smile and even laugh at the wonderful memories you shared when you were together!

    I don't think you every fully get over losing someone you loved that deeply, but you will get through it, and someday, probably when you least expect it, you will see someone who catches your eye and your heart will do a little flutter for the first time.

    In the meantime, you may have sexual needs and I can tell you that if you have a one night stand with someone, you will likely feel guilty....a feeling like you betrayed the one you loved.........this too is normal but I urge you to be careful with occasions like that, that you don't hurt someone else in the process.

    Please email if I can be of further assistance to you.  I am a bereavement counsellor and as I said, most of the same rules apply to the loss of a relationship.

  5. "Even more, I had never meant to love him. One thing I truly knew - knew it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, knew it from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, knew it deep in my empty chest - was how love gave someone the power to break you.

    I’d been broken beyond repair.”

    This is a quote from my favorite book, and i totally 100 percent agree with it.   what i'd suggest is that trying to forget about him.  doing your best not to remember him.  belive me, i know moving on is realy hard.  its one of the hardest things in life, and if you really truely loved him/her the pain is never going to totally go away.  but trying ti move on does help.  so the best you can do is try.

    hope i've helped in some way

  6. i havent tried it but i think thats so hard, im thinking, if im so madly inlove with this person, and we broke up, it'll be the end of my world, but if there are any chances of moving on i will first do what ever i can just to get that person back, but if it doesnt work out still, then i have to move on....accept things the way it should be...learn how to forget and just think that "were not meant for each other" im sure there is someone out there whose really meant for you, " the right one". so you just have to wait and work it out...gudluck!  

  7. Time is a great healer, think that if it didn't work out it wasn't meant to be. There are tons of people in the world who will be happy with you and you would be happy with them. There is a great book you should read: "The Road Less traveled" by Scott Peck, it tells a lot about love etc. Go out with friends, mingle and be active and you'll soon find love again.

  8. Try and get a new hobbie or do things you like to do, if you get your mind  off them then getting on with your life will be easier   keep your mind busy so you will stop thinking about them as much  and move on with your life.  

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