
How can u make a child's future more better?

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i m prachi can anyone answer my question




  1. I think u r indian. If i m correct then plz see my answer. If not plz discard it.

    First being an Indian, learn the kid how to talk with others, how to respect the elders, how to love the youngers and manners etiquettes.Learn ur kid the family values, moral lessons etc.Get the kid to a good education (which may not be from a branded school), and follow up what he/she is doing. If the kid does anything wrong, instead of being harsh make him/her understand the right one. Dont push him to anything which he/she doesn't like. Treat him/her as a family member, dont pamper always. Give him/her soem responsibilities, like arranging books, keeping shoes, toys, dresses in right place. For good deeds give some rewards.

    Moreover find ur kid's likings and dislikings. And consider ur kid as a individual human being not as ur puppet. Make him/her understand that u love him & u care for him. I believe if u can do it, u wont be required to feel regreat for ur kid ever in life.


  2. invest in the child morally, financially and in all wise e.g. make sure the child gets a very good educational background, good morals and things that can help the child be a respectable person in future

  3. Vote democrat.

  4. showering love,affection but also at the same time teaching the child discipline,respect towards elders,..........well as a parent sitting down and talking to children,giving him/her innovative ideas,encouraging the good acts,explaing good and a teacher to stand as moral support......and more importantly saying that "it is u r responsibility to make your home and country a better place" will i think r some aspects to make a child's future great..

  5. Stop using split inifinitives to start with because your child will pick up on it! They will have a much better future if they can speak English properly.

  6. Love the child and give the kid a very good education.  An education can do wonders for a future.

  7. discipline discipline discipline first last and ever

    as a grown up human we all remember atleast some parts of past life as you also may be so fo me discipline first in any home throughout the world

    and main important that the discipline should not be to child only it should start from ourself parents first and then implied to children in eating,speaking,meetings,education,and all social acitivities.

    what i feel personally and accepted all over the world is that children follow only the parents first then the society so the parents are the first teachers of children

    the above written words are of mine only to guide you not to be followed unless consulted by a experienced person who may be better than me

    thank you

  8. Miércoles

    1.- Por la mañana coloque en Media Taza de agua, el número de granos de arroz correspondientes a los kilos que quiera perder.

    2.- No ponga más granos de los necesarios porque esos kilos nunca más se recuperaran.

    3.- En la noche tómese el agua dejando los granos de arroz para luego volver a llenar la taza.


    1.- Por la mañana, en ayunas, beba toda el agua dejando todos los granos de arroz y luego llene nuevamente la taza con agua.


    1.- Por la mañana, en ayunas, beba todo, esta vez con los granos de arroz.


    1.- Conserve la taza tapada durante todo el proceso.

    2.- Reparta copias de esta dieta conforme a los kilos que quiera perder.

    3.- Comience la dieta en Miércoles y no antes de haber repartido todas las copias.

    4.- Puede repartir la dieta a cualquier persona.

    5.- No haga régimen, la dieta es INFALIBLE...

    Aunque resulta increíble, SI FUNCIONA....

  9. provide a well - verse background.. the school must be good also.. education really helps child to look good in the future.....

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