
How can u make a good back yard ice rink?

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im trying to make a good ice rink in my back yard i have more then enough snow and weather any tips?




  1. make the banks about 1ft to 2ft high with snow  then run your garden hose  overnight to fill/flood  it make sure to switch sides of hose, for example  place the hose first on the south side then after two hours switch it over to the north side of the rink for a even  layer of ice, then after a couple of uses just repeat the process , but spray the water evenly ,

    make sure to make the banks higher near fences for safety reason so nobody falls into the fence , make the entrance low enough to climb/step  into.

    also  make sure you have a lock fence for the same reasons you have to have  for swimming pools,,,

    beware that you will have Lot's and Lot's of new friends wanting to try out your rink,

    make sure that they pres mission to skate , if not do not let them, if they get hurt you and your family could be in trouble,

  2. idk how 2 make one but u can buy one

  3. If you want a decent skating rink to skate on then I would suggest going to, their systems always seem to work fairly well for outdoor rinks.

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