It's for a project, and we have a $200 budget, not including the mirrors, and i'm having logistic problems...i've thought about distributing them in a flat surface and adjusting the angles, but my teacher (for the heat transfer class) wants a perfect parabola so that all the light focuses on exactly one point, capturing the most radiation in the area of the 3ft diameter circle. The other method could be spinning a newtonian liquid (it forms a real parabol) and letting it solidify while it's spinning, then use it as a mold, then i could use that mold, fiber glass and resin to make a parabol then cover it with a reflective surface. Parafin could work but i dont know if it will keep the parabolic shape when it's cooling, although the spinning liquid behaves like a solid (when speaking about inertia)
well i how u can help me xP