
How can u prevent teens from drinking and driving?

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i have a project to do about how to lessen the death count of anyone drinking and driving. my project is to come up witha design that can help lessen the death count of teens. but you cant use a breathelizer




  1. No teen should be driving if they don't have a job. PERIOD.

    A job or going to college is the only reason any of MY kids ever drove.

    No job or school? you're walking.

  2. Paul says it all -- unless you have a need, you don't drive [unless Dad needs to go someplace -- checking up on driving habits]

    Outrageous -- at one time there WAS a device that, when wired into the ignition, would lock out ALL attempts to start the car if even a trace of alcohol was present.

    no new laws are needed; just ramp up the penalties --


    1.  Age -- 18; DUI 1st offense -- see ya when you're 21 -- that's when you get your license back.  Of course you have to take ALL the tests.

    2.  Accidents caused by distracted driving [texting, changing CD's, etc.] -- treated the same as others -- if you accidently kill someone while changing a CD, it's still Vehicular Homicide.

  3. Jeff Foxworthy said it best, we need a stretch of highway just for teens that's just lined with mattresses and tires! =oP

    Okay, that was kind of a smart alec response. Sorry. I couldn't help it.

    You need some sort of invention? Maybe some sort of sensoring device that can detect traces of alcohol and won't even allow the car to start if alcohol is detected? Not a breathelizer, but something you install in the steering wheel or something.

    Or, maybe an automatic driving device that, when it detects erratic driving, it'll automatically pull the car over, stop, and call authorities? Sort of like Lexus' parallel parking system. I know that this is something we'd have to wait for technology to catch up to, but it's worth giving a try I think.

    I think both those devices would not only help teens, but everyone who drinks and drives... and those who just can't drive period.

    Good luck with your project! =o)

  4. Set family rules about driving.

    No friends in the car without an adult;

    No driving after 10 p.m.;

    No use of alcohol or other drugs;

    No distractions while driving including eating, changing CDs, handling iPods and putting on makeup; and

    No cell phone use, including text messaging.

    Start talking with children as young as 13 or 14 about driving and driving safety.

  5. All you can do is stay in their business. Parents are the main solution. They must be involved.

  6. I agree with the first poster.  

    The solution is the parents.  The parents should have control of their children.  In many cases, especially nowadays, the children control and supersede their parents.  If parents have no control over their children or do not care about their children, then children will drink and drive.

    I would like to see stricter DUI/DWI penalties for first time offenders.  Harsher deterrents to a certain crime can have a massive influence on recidivism rates for that crime.

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