
How can u stand reading breaking dawn?

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team edwards how can u stand reading breaking dawn when half of the book was on jakes p.o.v




  1. I don't know. I was practically killing myself by reading that book. It was so horrible I felt I shooting myself repeatedly in the head, being stung by thousands of bees, and jumping off cliffs to meet sharp bolders. That is how horrible it was to read this book. There was hardly anything about Edward and Bella! Bella cares more for crappy Renesmee than Edward! AND JAKE! Don't get me started on Jake. He loves Bella forever, tries to steal her from Edward, and then automatically forgets about her when meeting her daughter.  Is it just me or does it seem like that was whole thing that New Moon and Eclispe revolved around? I think Stephenie Meyer was on crack when she wrote this because it doesn't compare to the rest of her series. I can't even stand to hear people say it was the best book ever or that they cried during it! Those people just don't get it.

  2. I was really annoyed at first (Team Edward <3) but then I started to like Jacob (I still wanted Bella with Edward) he didn't annoyed me too much. But it doesn't matter cause in the end Edward is with Bella. Jacob doesn't annoy me anymore, I respect him and I think he's a good guy too!

  3. Perhaps because the parts with Jacob are usually the only ones that don't make me retch? I'm sure other people must feel the same.

  4. I actually didn't mind reading from jake's point of view! I mean, i'm on team edward as well, but jacob is really nice to the cullen's, and the cullen's are mostly in all of jacob's part of the story. Also, it was better because edward and jacob weren't fighting.

  5. Don't get me wrong...I'm TEAM EDWARD all the way,but something about Jacob's character (other than the part that drools over Bella) I really like.  I honestly feel like if Stephenie had not switched to Jacob's point of view, i would have been dead bored, sitting on the couch waiting to give birth through half of the book, plust Jacob gives you important information on what is going on in the pack (which has always been an important part of the twilight story).  I remember when i got the book and i was flipping through the pages and i saw Jacob's part, i was like OMG this is going to suck and i was dreading when i got to that part, but i read it and i really liked it.  I feel it worked out perfectly...Bella's infatuation with Jacob came out of her when Renesme was was like renesme was always meant for Jacob.  It was perfect.  I kinda saw it coming though when i found out Bella was pregnet..I remembered that Quil imprinted on Claire when she was two...I was like it's going to be a girl and Jacob is going to imprint.  It just worked out good that way.

  6. I pretty much skipped through most of the Jacob part but then i missed like a whole chunk of the book and i was all confused so then i had to go back and read it. It was pretty interesting but i am still 100 percent TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!! <3

  7. jacobs bit was alright but it was a bit repetitive, like he keeps going out with seth and then coming back to the cullens house and bella gives a big smile when she see's him and then he goes out again with seth, that bit just keeps happening over again until bella gives birth :)

  8. Because it was interesting, and had to do with the Cullens. Yes, it was annoying having to hear Jacob's thoughts, but it was important to the book.

    Team Nessie!

  9. You guys are mean. Jacob is a good guy who has a big heart. Now I don't care if Bella wants to be with someone like Edward but you guys shouldn't bring him down. I like Jacob he is sweet and funny and has been hurt way to many times in life. Why does Edward get everything for? Just because he is a vampire doesn't mean he gets Ever thing he wants!!!




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