
How can u stand up to a phsical and verbal bully without going to a teacher?

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How can u stand up to a phsical and verbal bully without going to a teacher?




  1. start getting more physical  and learn every thank he dose and learn to doge his moves.

  2. Well, today I had had enough of him and spat in his face. I showed him I had no respect for him or his friends and made shure he would be infertile for a long time.

  3. say that i hate you

  4. That is not as easy as it sounds! Wait till your away from school and then confront the bully, they never seem to be as tough when they they dont have the safety net of school on onlookers.

    Dont play the victim!! Dont show your scared!! Be loud when defending yourself. Fight Back!

  5. There is a wonderful book with many ways to stand up to bullies - child bullies and adult bullies.  You can also take classes.  Check it out:

  6. How old are you? Are you the target of the bully? Do you have a close relative or friend a little older than the bully? If so, have that person confront the bully and say, " If you mess with him/her you mess with me." All I can say is, I did it with my cousin and my son and it worked. You don't have to take this sh*t. Fight back!!! Bullies are pussi*s in disguise. They're so scared that someone will find out that they're nothing that they have to prove they're something by picking on smaller and weaker people than themselves. You should feel sorry for them, not the other way around.

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