
How can u strengthen or biuld my arch in my foot for pointe and ballet?

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i have a rele bad arch and i need a way bigger one... i cant get one full point because of my sucky arch.




  1. Bunheads Exercise bands in medium weight, Heavy Weight, and Super Heavy weight work fantastically. DO NOT go ahead and get the super heavy weight first thing. It will make you more sore than help you. start off with medium and work your way up. I have too many students come in class and complain because they have made the same mistake.

    Dr. Roth's arch band can be found on and is one of the more helpful bands.

    The Pro-Arch is the best you can get. it is about $160.00 but totally worth it!

    I hope this helps you! Keep on dancing!

  2. I completely understand you - my feet are terrible! It was a couple years before I was able to get on my box.

    A couple recommendations:

    -Find a shoe that allows your toes to bend a little bit. This will allow you to get on your shoe. I'm not saying to knuckle in your shoes, but with our feet you gotta do what you gotta do.

    -strengthen your arch and toes with a theraband (basically just pointe and flex your feet with resistance, same with the toes). This will give you more strength to push on top of your box.

    -Stretch your feet every day. Mine seemed to never make that much progress, but after about a year I realized they were getting better and better.

    -The more you dance, the more flexible your feet will become. Your feet will eventually starting giving into the demands of dancing on pointe for hours - if you keep pushing them to get on top of that box, they will eventually.

    -This a long, long, long, process. You must be extremely patient and determined to achieve better arches.

    My feet have gotten flexible ENOUGH over the years to easily get over my shoes, but they still aren't satisfactory for the dance world. So along with everything I told you, I also wear fake arches in performances. There are some online at

    and there are also more expensive ones at

    They are truly miracles! They make my feet look incredible. But I can't just only use those - they help with the looks of things, but without constant stretching and strengthening , your feet will never look right.

    Good luck!

  3. You can use the Pro-Arch. It's pricey, but I heard that it works. will probably be the cheapest.

    Go to

    Go under Gifts and Accessories

    Type "Pro-Arch" into the search box

    It is the machine type thing with the foot in it, not the ballet shoes.

    Good luck and hope this helps!!!

  4. Practice Practice Practice

  5. I was given an elastic band.

    Put it around the shelf of your foot and pull it towards you while you point as hard as you can for 5 seconds.

  6. Sure, there are lots of ways to help your arch reach it's full potential. I love the items they have at Discount Dance, they really help!

    Here's the link:

    (scroll down untill you see 'Health and Fitness' on the left side. Click it, and look around.)

    I suggest the Pro Arch (can be found under 'Health and Fitness'), Dr. Roth's Arch Band Support (can also be found under 'Health and Fitness'), and an exercise band. You can usually get exercise bands in different strengths (medium, heavy, super heavy.) and i suggest the heaviest you can get. That way it works out your foot/arch much better (this can also be found, once again, under 'Health and Fitness').

    Have a nice day!!

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