
How can u tell a female rolly polly from a male rollypolly?

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How can u tell a female rolly polly from a male rollypolly?




  1. The male has a tendency to scratch himself a little more.

    to the answer above mine, I say "Bravo, Zulu!"

  2. females walk a straight line. the males wobble about crookedly

  3. I used to call pill bugs or isopods rolly polly bugs so I assume that is what you are talking about.  It turns out you can s*x them.

    "Adult Males and Females

    On the underside, females have leaf-like growths at base of some legs. These brood pouches hold developing eggs and embryos. The first two appendages on the male abdomen are modified as elongated copulatory organs."

  4. Lol... well this ought to be interesting.. I will keep it starred... Im curious myself :)

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