
How can u tell if someone has the intention 2 cheat u money in business deals,in the business world?

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How can u tell if someone has the intention 2 cheat u money in business deals,in the business world?




  1. If he's not transparent in whatever he do......reluctant to show you the things that you suppose to see, hasty in urging you to commit a big sum of money, no proper legal documents to legally bind the business partnership or  not allowing you time to consider and forbid you to take home legal documents for careful examination before signing, depriving you of your "say" in the business, making excuses not to produce whatever things you have requested to be shown, sudden change of attitude and display hosility in order to discourage you from asking more questions. These are only some of the hints that suggests intention to cheat. There are much mroe tell-tale signs. Be on guard always and always bring another person to the discussion. Two brains, two pair of eyes and two pairs of ears will be better than just one. Just a little sharing...

  2. Before entering into any negotiation or business transaction of any kind, research, research, research.  Know the company you are dealing with know the people you are dealing with and unless you know for certain you are getting the better part of the deal, then just say no deal.

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