
How can u tell if someone is a liar?

by Guest32302  |  earlier

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How can u tell if someone is a liar?




  1. Hi! If one person tells lies, there'll be tell-tale signs in his body and facial language because his conscious will tell him that he is tell a lie and no matter how he tried to deny, if you observe him carefully, you will be able to realise that he will be feeling abit uncomfortable or look abit guilty. Also since we have to be able to prove our suspicion, assuming that he's telling a truth ask for the things that will support his claims and if he couldn't produce them then it's clear cut that he could be telling a lie. Alternatively, you can also try repeating what he has said with suspicious tone and then give him a suspicious look, the next thing you will find him fumbling while trying to convince you to believe. Re-phase the same questions which you ahve aksed earlier and then hear carefully to see if he gives the same answer after a certain length of conversation because he will tends for forget what he has said to you after sometime.  Also, keep an eye contact with him.  Be focused. Observe him while he talks, Watch his eye language and then analyse within your mind every aspect; his characteristics, behaviour, speech & voice tone, expression, body and facial language, etc and then draw out a conclusion from there without telling him what you are thinking. Tell him you are convinced but need to have a careful assessment of the whole issue. Be calm and avoid impulsiveness. If you have done well in your obsevation throughout the whole conversation with him/her, you should be able to know whether to believe him or not. Trust your own instinct and you'll never regret. Just a little sharing........

  2. There are many physical and behavioral indicators but there are always some who don't fit into those perimeters.The site below may help clarify some.

  3. That is really hard to do you never really can

  4. yes, you can. if you notice the liar's eyes look to the right, that means he's lying. you see, the creative side of the brain is on the right. he looks to the right to make up a lie. whereas, if he looks to the left, that means he is retrieving past information that is already locked up in memory. the left side of your brain is storage for logic and analytical thinking.

  5. This depends. Are YOU a liar? if you are a liar then whoever you think is telling the truth is lying and whoever you think is lying is telling the truth.

  6. Their eyes. It's hard to tell, for sure, but it is possible. If you can't see them, watch for conflicting words.

  7. if it's in your budget, a polygraph machine is good (but not perfect)

  8. Usually when a person lies they are then a liar.

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