
How can u tell if u have had a stroke ?

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about 2 months ago i had a very bad pain in my left hand in the middle of my chest but more over my boob at the time i also had a very bad pain in my left arm kind of a numb/pin and needles pain. the pain lasted and hour or so and went this happens 3 times in 10days same thing each time i just layed in bed till it went. but ever since i am get pains in my chest and arm and left shoulder alot . when im stressed ( whaich i have been alot lately ) and my bro make me jump it hurts more . i have astma , Polycystic ovary syndrome ,Chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia .

also have just found out my mum and grandad have heart problems . mum had a stroke at xmas and was rushed to hosp few weeks ago and is waiting to have a 24hr tape .

i know i should go to the doc but i dont want them thinking im copying my mum




  1. It is possible to have small strokes without noticing it--

    it could also be something called a TIA )temporary/mini stroke that doesn't damage the brain)

    pain down teh arm is also a symptom of heart disease...

  2. Hi hun just wanted to say you should be fine,just make sure you get checked out by the doc.x

  3. i very highly doubt that you had a stroke 2 months ago, since you most likely would have something wrong with you now (ie partial paralysis, blindness in one eye, difficulty forming sentences. something like that).

    the pains you have been experiencing might point to heart problems, so you should see your doctor. any legitimate doctor wont judge you b.c of the mom thing.

    fyi. symptoms of a stroke are:

        *  Numbness, weakness, or paralysis of the face, arm, or leg, typically on one side of the body.

        * Trouble seeing in one or both eyes, such as dimness, blurring, double vision, or loss of vision.

        * Confusion, trouble understanding.

        * Slurred or garbled speech.

        * Trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

        * Severe headache.

  4. Well if it really was a stroke, you'd be in hospital by now.

    You would have blurred vision and dizziness too.

    I think it could just be heart cramp because I get the same thing as what you just described.

    But I really don't think it's a stroke or else you really would be in hospital by now.

    You'd also have difficulty using your hands with your speech but you seemed to be able to type out your problem.

  5. Copying your Mum or no, it is very important for you to get to the bottom of this problem.

    Stroke and heart event symptoms are very different for women than they are for men. Men usually have strong pain. We usually have "a bit of indigestion", " a bit of trouble breathing". "a bit of severe dizziness". etc.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your symptoms are not good. Go see the doctor and don't be the dead dummy because that is where you are headed if you don't heed your body. You should have called the medics to come get you on the first of these "attacks".

  6. Hello.From my experience as a doctor, I can tell you that you have passed transient ischemic episodes.The first step before the real stroke.If you go to a neurologist,he will send you for special examinations and he also will give the medicines you need to prevent the real stroke.Please don't stay without treatment because it's really dangerous for your future health.You must know that stroke hits young people often and leaves them with various problems-most of them serious like paralysis of the half body.

    So go to the doctor as soon as possible!!!

  7. You should have gone to the hospital when you had the symptoms 2 months ago.  Go NOW!

  8. 12 lead ecg can detect if u have had a stroke. However, it wont tell you when it happened

  9. Signs of stroke include headaches, dizziness and, most tellingly, the inability to form words or talk. Sometimes stroke is occasioned by paralysis on one side of the face or the inability to move one side of the body.

  10. Check it out on the nhs direct web site.

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