
How can u tell the s*x of a baby python?

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How can u tell the s*x of a baby python?




  1. Why do U wanna have s*x with a baby python?

  2. look at the tail of the snake...if its long and skinny it is probably a female...if it has a bump in the tail its probably a male...i have never been wrong sexing snakes this way and it's non invasive.

  3. Go to or take it to the pet store, they may be able to help for free.

  4. I have seen this many times before.  It is actually difficult and it really can only be done by an experienced pro.  Most specialist I have gone too, still say they are only 90% sure when they give me an answer.  I personally would wait till it is older then go to an expert.  saves time and effort. nless you are breeding and want to make sure you buy the right one then it is in the hands of an experts best guess.

  5. Have it popped or probed by someone who knows what they are doing. Call a local REPTILE specialist in your area (look for herp clubs in your state on the internet and they'll help you find someone)

    You can NOT tell it's s*x by looking at it's teeth, or at the size of it's tail or anything else like that!

  6. Find a breeder or a collector or a mom and pop type reptile shop. They can prob it, which is the only sure way to know the s*x without running large risk of injuring the snake. Good Luck!

  7. You look in its moulth-- If it has very sharp teeth, but less than 30 of them, it's a female. If it has more dull teeth, and more than 15, it's a male.

    Hope this helps.

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