
How can u tell u had a premonition/vision?

by  |  earlier

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any1, experienced one?

or u no of how it happens, like the feeling of it?

i think i did experience one, I just need to double check.




  1. Visions are experienced differently among people.  I think there is a good chance that you did connect with your future child.  A similar thing happened to me with my daughter.

    You should try to keep a journal.  Over time, you will begin to see trends and will be able to go back to confirm which were precognitive.


  2. I have expierenced several, you know for sure. There is no guess you just know something is wrong, or right!

  3. you will know it is clearly not a dream

    you will wake up immediately after

    you will recognize the signs ( weather, people, clothing , buildings, geographical markers) in the dream in the near future before anyinter  action takes place

    it feels like deja vu when the actual event takes place

    if it happens to someone else, i dont know what it feels like to the person having the dream, except a strong desire to contact that person about the dream

  4. Yes, this is not so uncommon. It is often women who see their future child in a vision or a dream. Essentially a vision and a dream are the same. The vision might be called a day dream. Day dreams can tell the future just as well as night dreams. My wife saw her son in a vision before he was born. She saw him through the window as he was riding his little trike in front of her house. 18 months later she was looking through that very window in waking reality and there was her little boy on that same trike she saw in her vision.

    You want to know how you could be sure that what you saw was of the future. As you suspect, your feelings will tell you. But the circumstances of your vision may also tell you. If you were in a state that was half sleep half waking, your apparition would be called a hypnagogic vision. They happen every time you fall asleep, but if you are not woken up from them or if you are no longer a little awake, then you can't recall them.

    Many ideas have come to scientists, writers and artists in hypnagogic visions. The most famous case is that of Thomas Edison. He knew that you could solve your problems in dreams. But the catch was how to remember them. So he hit upon the idea of getting a problem-solving chair.

    In other words he sat in a chair with a sticky problem in his head. He then placed a steel bucket between his legs and put a silver dollar on his head. Then he talked himself to sleep with the problem hard on his mind. As he eventually nodded off, the silver dollar dropped clanging into the bucket and woke him up with the solution to his problem in his head.

    Such solutions however came to him in dream language which is often pictorial rather than in words or figures; though the latter is not impossible. There was an Indian mathematician called Ramanujan who used to pray to his goddess Namakkal to present him with new mathematical formulae which he then verified when awake. British mathematicians were astonished how advanced Ramanujan's mathematics was as compared with their own.

  5. Its just a dream then In vision you knew who the person was becuase what makes you thinks if its your future kid

  6. You know its a premonition / vision because its something you see or pick up on mentally before it happens. This happens to me many times and I have proved it to the family, when I get premonitions regarding them.

    One I had regarding my ex, was he was up on this big glass house in a nursery repairing the roof and I was in the office. Out of the blue, I got a warning to go and tell my ex to get of the roof before he falls and I had just got outside the door and looked over, to witness him loose his grip and fall.

  7. It happens to me every now ad then but I can only tell after the thing that I predicted has actually happened. Then I just put it down to chance. We have so many thoughts and dreams that eventually by chance we guess something that's going to happen.

  8. I have had 2 visions I guess it was like an early warning sign about my friends. Mind you I am only 16.

    I had a terrible nightmare about my friend, and I had this gut feeling about it for the next week, the dream kept replaying in my head. I confronted her and asked her if something had happened to her in the last week and she told me that she was drugged with date rape and taken advantage of. Another recent dream was that my friend was moving away and in my dream her and her boyfriend were fighting. I told her at school about my dream and she nearly cried because I was right about the whole thing.

    There are different feelings that I can't explain. What are some you have experienced?

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