
How can u tell when a GSP is full? When should I take the shrimp out of the tank? How big should the belly be?

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Green Spotted Puffer (




  1. I feed mine every other day. I vary his diet with bloodworms, krill and clams form the grocery store. be sure to give them stuff that will grind down their teeth. Because there teeth will grow nonstop and can actually kill them.

  2. You'll see it voraciously attack the shrimp when you first put it in, and gradually lessen in enthusiasm.  When it is no longer enthused with the shrimp, you can safely assume it's full.  If you think it over ate, there is little issue with fasting it for a day to allow it time to catch up.

  3. green spotted puffers are greedy little fish that will eat until they are huge. they dont have a true ribcage (as far as i've been told) and thats why they get such big bellies i usually feed mine until his belly just bulges out a little bit. when he gets spoiled and gets a little extra food you can tell just how big it gets. but i'd say just feed him till you can notice a little bit of a bump

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