
How can useing both sides of paper save paper?

by  |  earlier

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look you use both sides and you dont buy any

but people are still gonna buy it and puting the plug in the sink water goes round




  1. Cos you only use half as much Einstein.

  2. I buy toilet rolls with the inscription..."Save money and paper..Please use both sides"...!

  3. You're going to have to use punctuation & spell check if you want an answer here buddy

  4. Next Q.

    How can you use both sides of toilet paper hygienically. !!!!!!

  5. If they were serious about conserving paper, they would make it with only one side instead of two.

  6. true~ but you know.. if lots of people do that, less paper will be needed and when that happens they won't need to make as much paper... i guess?

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